

Love and Empowerment: Why Sisterhood is Our Hope

We can change our culture so that women can begin to expect acceptance and respect rather than judgment and heartache.

When women support each other, we have more power. It is very difficult to stand up to harmful cultural messages alone.

You are not alone.

We have the chance to revitalize sisterhood.  When body shamers say your body is not perfect, your sisters will stand up for you. When you can’t meet the unattainable body ideals of today, your sisters know your inner beauty is more important.

When we accept and respect our sisters, we empower them because they begin to expect acceptance and respect.

Our gifts of acceptance and respect can transform our world!

How To Do Sisterhood, the Be Your Own Brand of Sexy Way

  1. Stand together.  As individuals it can be difficult to stand up against harmful cultural expectations.  Together we are more powerful than we know.  Make use of that power to help yourself and your sisters.
  2. Support your sisters’ choices. Imagine what would happen if we encouraged our sisters to avoid self-destructive behaviors and embrace healthy choices.  We’d be a lot closer to becoming our happiest, best selves. That’s what we want.
  3. Respect your sisters. We may not agree with our sisters’ choices, but we owe each other respect.  Accept your sisters’ choices even when they are different than your own.  Only when we show others respect, can we expect the same in return.
  4. Include men. Our culture is toxic for them too. They have to figure out how to be “manly” and “sensitive” at the same time. They are pressured to perform sexually. If they say “no” to sex, people might say they’re gay.

Together we can do this.  Join the sisterhood.  Be your own Brand of Sexy.  

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