“Embrace and empower yourself by learning what works best for you, instead of letting the influence of others, or today’s culture, run your life.”
Dr. Susan Edelman
Be Your Own Brand in Business and in Life
The Power of Communication in Business
Sexual Harassment: How to Identify and Respond
Be Your Own Brand in Business and in Life
Developing a brand that is authentic to you is a challenge for many people. Unfortunately, people are often unaware that they may be more focused on pleasing others or avoiding conflict than in actively figuring out what they want and developing strategies to achieve it. This lack of awareness makes it extremely difficult to get what you want. These problems might be making it harder for you to get your needs met in your relationships, handle conflicts constructively, and to stay on track with your goals. In her practice, Dr. Susan has helped many women and men who have trouble clarifying their own brand and standing in their own truth. In this talk, Dr. Susan shares simple, effective strategies for creating and sustaining your own brand in business, and in life.
The Power of Communication in Business
You can be diplomatic and still get what you want. Many women and men have trouble saying “no.” Some are people-pleasers; some are afraid of missing opportunities. If you say “yes” it takes you down a very different path than when you say “no.” When we say “yes” to things we don’t want, we can end up over-committed or taking care of others instead of taking care of ourselves. Having trouble saying “no” is a big problem in business and in life, because if you spend your time and effort on things that don’t work towards a goal that you feel passionate about, it can keep you from getting what you really want.
Sexual Harassment: How to Identify and Respond
The sex scandals headlining the newspapers today highlight the ineffective ways our culture has been addressing sexual harassment and assault. The tidal wave of women coming forward with accusations against famous men is bound to continue because women have complained of inappropriate and even illegal behavior by men in their daily lives for decades. They’ve had enough. Traditional “harassment-training” is not sufficient. How can you catch these problems before they become a crisis?
Dr. Susan will discuss why the current methods of dealing with sexual harassment are now relics of a bygone era and how companies need to quickly change with the times. The signs that you may have a sexual harasser at your company might be subtle, but they are important not to miss. Dr. Susan will help you detect the 3 signs that it’s happening right under your nose and what can be done to improve the well-being of your employees and the morale of your company.
Click here to schedule Dr. Susan for Speaking and Media Appearances
Perfect for Women’s Groups and Associations
How Being Your Own Brand of Sexy Gets You What You Want in Relationships
The Beliefs of a Rape Culture and What We Can Do About Them
The Dating Dilemmas of a Woman Executive
How Being Your Own Brand of Sexy Gets You What You Want in Relationships
So many women try to get what they want from men in relationships by changing their appearance, or pleasing the other person, or trying to be sexy and sexual. This approach simply doesn’t work as well as discovering what’s right for you and learning how to stand up for yourself.
Today’s dating culture is a minefield. With tricky dos and don’ts and endless conflicting strategies. Women are more confused than ever. Women in relationships can create undesirable dynamics when they have trouble standing up for what they want. Certain societal norms can even make it more difficult for you to have a talk with your partner. Dr. Susan will help you be more aware of these influences and show you ways to communicate more effectively.
In this illuminating and powerful talk, Dr. Susan will unlock the mystery of why women don’t get what they want from men give audiences the tools to enjoy the process of dating and experience fulfillment in relationship.
The Beliefs of a Rape Culture and What We Can Do about Them
Despite our abhorrence of rape, we may unknowingly contribute to a culture where it is promoted. Sexual violence can be condoned, excused, encouraged, and even normalized by our attitudes and norms that are driven by media. Dr. Susan addresses the influence of our culture on our beliefs and discusses how being your own Brand of Sexy and sisterhood can help free us from the spell of these destructive beliefs.
It can be tricky for women to be assertive at their workplace. People can misinterpret a woman’s motives or see her in a negative light when she simply stands up for what she knows is important. It can be just as challenging for men to buck the status quo, especially if most of their colleagues lean toward it. Dr. Susan reveals strategies to help women and men navigate this treacherous territory.
Secrets of Feminine Power
We often think of being feminine as being passive, and we see passive women as not getting what they want. When women see being strong and independent as their main goals, they often can be conflicted about their expectations for men, which can create some challenging dynamics in those relationships. Cultural norms pressure us to do what we think we “should” do, rather than what’s right for us as individuals, making it harder to get what we want. Many women today have embraced the masculine in themselves to the point that they don’t realize when they’re pushing men away, chasing them, or intimidating them. Not all old-fashioned feminine strategies are simply relics of a bygone era. So how can a modern woman be feminine and powerful? Dr. Susan shows women where power lies in femininity.
The Dating Dilemmas of a Woman Executive
Dating as a woman executive has special challenges. What qualities help you at work but sabotage you with men, and what can you do about them? Being strong, decisive, and assertive can make you a great executive, so you may not realize how those instincts might make it hard for you to get a second date or create an undesirable dynamic in your relationship.
Dr. Susan will help you see what you might be doing to push men away, create competition, or to dampen the flames of romance. How can you meet men when you don’t want to or can’t date them at work? How can you be less intimidating to men? In this talk, Dr. Susan shares the insights, strategies and tools she has used to help hundreds of clients.
5 Secrets to Love
So many women blame their problems with relationships on their looks, their luck, or their location. Would you be surprised to know that those factors are usually not the culprit? Our role models are quite confusing since most TV and movie producers are men. We face enormous pressures to be sexy and sexual in almost all areas of our lives, even when in a committed relationship. Cultural messages about power, assertiveness, and femininity often lead us astray, pressuring us to do what we think we “should” do, rather than what’s right for us as individuals. That can make it harder to get what we want and can create problems in relationships.
Further, many women get caught up in a “microwave romance,” one that progresses at lightning speed, and it typically explodes in their face. Find out how to avoid getting burned by a microwave romance. Dr. Susan will share with you the three questions every woman should ask herself before she even thinks of having sex with a new man.
Learn the secrets that can help you get more love in your life, whether you are single, or in a committed relationship! Dr. Susan will show you how your beliefs about love could be sabotaging your relationships.
Why We Still Need Sisterhood
Women have made unprecedented gains, but we still have some big problems. Many women today can’t stand up for what they want.
The pressure on women to be sexy and sexual contributes to increasing rates of eating disorders and plastic surgery. With the ideal body becoming increasingly unattainable, 90% of women are unhappy with how they look. Movie and TV producers are often male, giving us sexualized role models that we often can’t relate to, leaving us wondering, “What’s wrong with me that I don’t look/act like that?”
Feeling pressured to be sexy and sexual according to others’ standards also can hurt women’s love lives. When women believe they have to give in to this pressure to get what they want from men, they are ignoring their feelings. It’s as if they have disabled their GPS when lost in a new city.
Many women think we no longer need sisterhood, but the competition between women may actually make these problems worse. We’re all in the same boat together but we don’t see it.
We have the opportunity to create a sisterhood in order to solve these issues of women’s empowerment. Dr. Susan discusses the urgency of these problems and offers solutions to help women on an individual and societal/global level.
Click here to schedule Dr. Susan for Speaking and Media Appearances
Dr. Susan’s Bio
The SHORT version . . .
Board-certified psychiatrist Dr. Susan Edelman has spent 30 years as a practicing therapist in Palo Alto, California specializing in women’s issues. She’s the author of the multi award-winning book, Be Your Own Brand of Sexy: A New Sexual Revolution for Women. She helps women reclaim their power—by learning what works best for them—instead of what they’re programmed to believe is “normal” by today’s culture. In addition to her private practice, Dr. Edelman is an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at Stanford University in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. She’s been a guest on dozens of radio shows, including Jenny McCarthy’s Dirty, Sexy, Funny. You can learn more about her by visiting www.DrSusanEdelman.com.
The LONG version . . .
Dr. Susan is an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at Stanford University in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. She is a board-certified psychiatrist in private practice specializing in women’s issues. She’s been a guest on dozens of radio shows, including Jenny McCarthy’s Dirty, Sexy, Funny. Dr. Susan’s credentials and experience set her apart from most speakers. She’s the author of the multi award-winning book, Be Your Own Brand of Sexy: A New Sexual Revolution for Women and the ebook, What to Say to Men on a Date. Practical and provocative, Dr. Susan delivers talks that challenge and empower, often making you question everything you thought you knew. She shows women and men what stands in the way of getting what they want, and teaches powerful take-away strategies that enable them to achieve powerful shifts and lasting results. Dr. Susan addresses the pressures on women to be sexy and sexual and the resulting damage to their self-esteem and relationships as well as their contribution to a culture that promotes violence toward women. She helps women reclaim their power—by learning what works best for them—instead of what they’re programmed to believe is “normal” by today’s culture.