“Take it in stride.”
“Hang in there.”
“Just put one foot in front of the other.”
“Don’t sweat the small stuff.”
We all hear how to cope when life throws us a curveball, but it isn’t always so easy to roll with the punches when we’ve been hit in the gut.
You may know about my recent technical glitches with last weeks’ webinar and sales page. I apologize for any inconvenience you experienced.
Somehow nearly everyone who signed up for the webinar couldn’t get in and we went on without knowing that there were serious problems. To make matters worse, people were unable to buy the course due to another technical snafu.
So I’m keeping a stiff upper lip, recording the webinar again, and extending the deadline to purchase my course to give you the time to get your questions answered and consider the benefits this course will offer you. I’ve also been looking for a silver lining. What is it? We have the opportunity to talk about what you can do in the face of challenging life situations, like trying to improve your love life. How will you ever reach your dreams for your dating and relationship journey unless you are willing to hang in there and keep plugging away? You’re facing heartbreak, dry spells, bad dates, crash and burn relationships, and men who won’t commit. The entire process is often discouraging and disappointing. Sometimes you might even think that you’ll never find love. But it’s all temporary. Most of these men are just stepping stones to your final love destination.
Just like my webinar and sales page glitches, tomorrow is still another day. We’re trying it again, hoping for a much better outcome next time. That’s the spirit I hope you’ll use on your dating path. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
There’s a good reason that I can come up with so many familiar phrases to remind you to be resilient. Life is difficult for everyone at times. This is a universal problem. The main way to reach any goal is to keep trying. But this can be so hard to do that I have included encouragement, cheerleading, and messages about resilience in my new online course, How to Be Your Own Brand of Sexy in 5 Simple Steps. A course has to help keep you motivated, not just give you information on how to transform your love life. You have to be able to keep going even when things are difficult.
What will you learn in this course?
You’ll learn how to be irresistible to the right kind of men without compromising your values. When you sign up for the course, you’ll quickly learn how to enjoy the dating process. We’ll get you on the right path to finding your Mr. Right.
Throughout the course, I’ll take you by the hand and show you how to make dating a success. You’ll learn to weed out the guys who are trouble, leaving you with the good ones. I have decades of experience guiding and teaching women how to get what they want out of love, and with the course, you’ll get exclusive access to the methods I’ve refined and used to help my clients find true, lasting love.
To find your Mr. Right, you likely need more dating knowledge and dating practice. If you are doing anything to sabotage your love life, knowing how and why can help you to take the necessary steps to make sure you’re ready for a happy, healthy relationship with Mr. Right when he arrives.
Imagine how much easier life would be if you could tell, without a doubt, which guys are into you and which one of those men is your Mr. Right?
I’ll show you step-by-step how in my comprehensive course, How to Be Your Own Brand of Sexy in Five Simple Steps. Get ready to transform your love life forever!
For a limited time, there is a replay of my new, FREE webinar, Your Secret Love AdvantageFind out what the experts are saying is the most important factor you need for a successful relationship and how you can get it.