How to Communicate Better with Men: The Art of Dating 40+


Carol was putting the finishing touches on her makeup when her phone buzzed with a text from Michael: “So sorry, Carol. Big crisis at work. Have to cancel dinner. Rain check?”

She glanced at her watch. It was 6:45 PM, and now she was all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Carol stared at her reflection in the hallway mirror, feeling a mix of disappointment and frustration. She and Michael had been dating for about a month, and this was the first time he’d canceled. The last-minute nature of it stung.

As she contemplated her response, her phone buzzed again. Another text from Michael: “I’ll make it up to you, I promise. How about lunch tomorrow?”

Carol stared at her phone, uncertain. she knew she should respond but wasn’t sure what to say or how quickly to say it.

She knew she needed to address this issue, to set a clear message about respecting her time. But how to do it effectively at this stage in their dating? Was this an issue she shouldn’t ignore?

She began to type, then hesitated. What was the right way to handle this?

Some dating situations are tricky. Take Carol’s case – all dressed up and suddenly stuck at home because Michael cancelled at the last minute. It’s moments like these that can really test us.

Learning how to communicate better with men isn’t just about this one date or this one man. It’s about changing how you approach communication. It’s like building a toolbox of skills that you can use again and again.

What should go in this toolbox? How do you decide when to respond to a message? And in the heat of the moment, how do you ensure your response truly reflects your values and intentions? These aren’t just hypothetical questions – they’re the real-world challenges that can make a huge difference in your dating life. Are you equipped to handle them?

The Pressure to Reply Immediately

In today’s world, we’re often expected to respond right away to texts, especially in dating. But just because he texted doesn’t mean you need to reply instantly. Taking time before responding can offer clarity, help you process how you feel, and ensure that your reply is what works best for you.

Remember, there’s no “rule” that says you must respond immediately, even though it might feel that way. Taking a pause can actually be a part of improving communication with men, as it gives you space to evaluate your reaction and decide what feels right, instead of being swept up in the pressure of an immediate response.

Balancing Openness with Self-Reflection

The pressure to always be open and honest in communication can sometimes make us feel like we must share everything we’re feeling at once. But that doesn’t always work very well.

There’s a subtlety to communication in dating that’s about choosing what to reveal, if anything at all. You might feel angry about the last-minute cancellation, and it’s tempting to express all of that immediately. However, how to talk to men better involves considering how your response might impact the relationship. Reacting too strongly might alienate him, even if your feelings are valid. On the other hand, saying nothing about your disappointment doesn’t serve you either. The challenge is finding a balance that feels right for you while considering the potential impact on the connection.

The Timing of Your Response

Taking time before you respond to a message can be valuable for several reasons. It gives you space to process your emotions, especially if you’re feeling disappointed or frustrated. This pause allows you to think clearly about what you want to say and how you want to say it, which is essential when learning how to communicate better with men and helps you avoid impulsive reactions you might later regret.

This time also lets you consider what you really want from the situation. Do you need more information? Do you want to have lunch with him? By giving yourself this space, you’re more likely to respond in a way that truly reflects your feelings and needs.

Remember, the time you take to respond is itself a form of communication. Such a delay might convey your dissatisfaction with the last-minute change or signal a shift in your interest level.

Some might see delayed responses as “playing games.” But what matters most is taking the time you need to respond in a way that works best for you and what you hope to accomplish.

In the world of dating, response time is a silent language. What’s yours communicating?

Communicating in a Way That Reflects Your Values

Carol’s decision will reflect her stance on respect and accountability in dating. A canceled date, a hasty apology, and a quick fix offer – sounds simple, but we all know it’s not.

This scenario isn’t just about dinner plans. It’s about respect, setting precedents, and how we handle the curveballs that dating often throws our way.

Carol’s response will signal what she’s willing to accept from a potential partner. It’s about who she is and what she stands for in relationships. Learning how to communicate better with men will be crucial in navigating this situation effectively.

Her choice here will shape the dynamics of their interaction moving forward, for better or worse.

Bottom Line

In early dating, everything we do (or don’t do) sends a message.

So, what would you do if you were in Carol’s shoes? Share your thoughts below – your perspective will spark an interesting discussion.

After 50: Turning First Dates into Lasting Love

In today’s modern dating world after 50, quality partners are as rare as diamonds—and just as valuable. A single misstep in communication could cost you a rare, promising connection. As a psychiatrist who’s been in your shoes, I know how crucial it is to get it right. My approach helps affluent women communicate effectively with high-caliber men. Let’s elevate your dating skills so you can recognize and nurture that dream relationship when it begins to bloom. Discover more and contact me here.

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