Put down the tub of ice cream. Valentines Day does not have to be miserable anymore. Your prescription is changing your perspective. If you are single and sad this year, the most important thing you can do is double up on your love for YOU! Here’s how:
You can be alone and happy on Valentines Day. Join the revolution. Be your own Brand of Sexy and get what you want.
1- Savor being single.
It may not seem like it right now, but being single has advantages. The biggest benefit is that you have more time to focus on your wants, your needs and your growth. That’s awesome! Odds are you won’t be single forever, so consciously savor the pluses now and commit to taking advantage of them.
2- Make a “why I am amazing” list.
You are amazing. Write down five special qualities about yourself and five accomplishments. If you can’t think of any, ask your friends to help you. Examine that list and refer to it anytime you question whether you are enough. Know that you are open to love from a man, but you don’t need that love to be extraordinary. You are complete on your own.
3- Throw your own party.
Whether it’s alone or with friends – say no to self-pity. Plan a fun Valentines Day gathering with friends, get a massage or create a party for one in front of the TV. Make the night special for you!
4- Commit to putting yourself in new situations.
Life can change in an instant. The more new situations you put yourself in, the more likely you are to meet the man for you. Put at least one new activity on your calendar right now—it could be trying a new restaurant, a class or even going to the gym at a different time.
By doing this, you’ll be putting yourself in the driver’s seat. That’s much more productive than passively waiting for a man to appear. Now that you’ve done that, forget it. Today is about you!
5- Appreciate your sisters.
Sisters are the women we choose to have in our life. Sometimes we get so caught up in finding a man that we don’t appreciate what we have. Embrace your sisters.