What are men attracted to in a woman? We often assume we know what the other sex is looking for in a partner. Our culture constantly bombards us with messages about what people find attractive in the opposite sex. The problem begins when you think you know what men want, but you can’t live up to the beauty standards of our culture. None of us can conform to beauty ideals that have become increasingly unrealistic and unattainable. Fortunately, when you look at the research, what we believe men are attracted to is not actually the case. You can stop worrying about whether you’ll end up alone because you don’t look a certain way. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to solve your beauty dilemma. The people who sell the products just want you to think you need them.
We can focus so much on physical attributes that we forget the many qualities that men find attractive that have nothing to do with appearance. They can be attracted to your intelligence, personality, and kind heart as well as many other traits.
All men are not the same so there is a great deal of variation regarding what men find and don’t find attractive, as it is for women. But when you’re dating and looking for Mr. Right, you want to know how to attract a man. You want to showcase your best features. So, it would be nice to know what Mr. Right finds sexy to know what to focus on more, right?
So how can we really know what men find attractive and start combating some of those false beliefs that have been with us for so long? Well, luckily, in these modern times, we actually have lots of research to give us a better idea of what men really want.
Check out the top 5 false beliefs about what traits men find attractive in women, according to research:
#1: Very Thin
You can never be too rich or too thin. Words of wisdom that have been on women’s (and men’s) minds for years, but when it comes to the thin part, research seems to disagree.
Mind you, there is a 71 billion dollar industry that desperately wants this saying to be true. The weight loss industry has lots to gain from making women feel like they constantly need a lower BMI to make themselves attractive. Even if research shows 95% of diets fail, it doesn’t stop a lot of women from trying.
But Professor Devendra Singh of the University of Texas found that men don’t care about your BMI. Singh and her colleagues actually published an article in 2010 in Evolution and Human Behavior that body mass index, or BMI, wasn’t a big factor for men in finding women attractive. What they do care about is your waist-to-hip (WTH) ratio. Men find a lower WTH ratio very attractive, no matter the actual pounds on the scale.
#2: Makeup
According to a OnePoll survey commissioned by Groupon, women spend around $300 a month on their appearance, adding up to nearly a quarter of a million dollars in their lifetimes.
They do it for different reasons of course, but since we are constantly bombarded with messages about how make-up makes us more attractive, it’s fair to say a big reason for this investment goes into improving one’s appearance.
How do guys feel about makeup? Researchers at Bangor University found something interesting: men were more attracted to women wearing less make-up. The men saw pictures of women with, and without make-up, and on average pictures with 40% less make-up had a more positive impact.
#3: Someone Who Can Make Him Laugh
Everyone probably lists a “good sense of humor” on their soulmate wish list. Both men and women cite this criterion as one of the most important things they are looking for in a partner.
But do men like funny women? It seems men and women position themselves differently when it comes to this factor. While women want a partner who can make them laugh, men are looking for a woman who can appreciate their jokes.
Relax ladies, you just need to like his sense of humor.
#4: A Sexy, Deep Voice
Actresses Kathleen Turner and Lauren Bacall were famous for their sultry voices, leading many to believe that the deep voice is one of the biggest traits attractive to men.
But it seems that not all men are so interested in a husky and deep voice. A 2013 study from the University College of London found that men find a high-pitched, breathy voice more attractive. Researchers believe this is the case because higher-pitched voices are associated with smaller body sizes. Similarly, women are more attracted to men with deeper voices because they are more associated with larger body sizes.
#5: A Young Face
There is literally no corner in the world where the pressure to stay young doesn’t reach you. Over time, women have reached the conclusion that in order to remain desirable for men, they need to tap into the fountain of youth. But over a certain age, when some wrinkles and gray hairs start to appear, women can get easily discouraged.
But counter-intuitive or not, a young-looking face is one trait men do not always find the most attractive. According to one study in The Royal Society, when choosing a long-term partner, men actually prefer more mature women.
Men who were born to mothers over 30 years of age are more likely to find older women attractive than younger ones. They may associate positive feelings like comfort, or a good bonding experience with mature women, more than younger women.
Bottom Line:
What do men find attractive in women? Although many women think that cultural beauty ideals are the definitive norms of beauty that men want, this isn’t backed-up by research. In reality, they do not reflect the desires of the majority of men. Maybe it’s time to let go of that ‘perfect’ image you think men want.
Did you have any of these false beliefs, or know others? Share your stories with us in the comments! We always love hearing from you.
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