How to visualize and imagine what you want in your love life


Imagine how awesome it would be if you could easily meet and attract several interesting, and eligible men. Wouldn’t it be even better if you could know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, which man would make the best long-term partner for you? What would your life be like if you were in a healthy, happy relationship with your Mr. Right?

Creative visualization is the process of using your imagination and affirmations to bring about positive changes in your life. It’s a potent exercise that can help you overcome your fears and reach your love life goals. Best of all, you can do it anywhere, at any time. It doesn’t take much effort or time commitment to visualize your love life goals into existence creatively.

For example, if you were to imagine the kind of relationship with a man that would make you happy, you’d be visualizing it, right? Then, if anything about the visual made you feel scared or worried, like a fear of getting hurt or of never meeting him, you’d reassure yourself. You could say to yourself, “I’ll protect myself better next time, so I don’t get hurt.” Or, you could say, “Mr. Right is coming. I just have to get ready.”

Ideally, you’d be able to feel less concern about your dream over time. Or at least you’d be able to figure out more about the negative feelings and thought-processes that are getting in your way and preventing you from reaching your goals. With creative visualization, you can see what those emotional obstacles are in your life, acknowledge them, address them, and move beyond the things that hold you back from finding the happiness you deserve.

You might be thinking that creative visualization isn’t something you’d be good at. We’re not all creative types who are good at visualizing what we want to happen in our minds, and that’s okay. But you can still use your imagination to explore what you want in your romantic life, and what emotional issues are blocking you from reaching them. All you have to do to get started with creative visualization as a beginner is to think about your goals and be open to the feelings that arise when you use your imagination.

Do you want a man who values family life and commitment? What about someone who treats you with the respect you deserve and is considerate of your feelings? Do you want a man who makes you happy, and is your best friend? Think about and imagine what the most important things are for your love life, and what kinds of things you want to be able to share with your future Mr. Right.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult these days to recognize Mr. Right when he comes along. Our culture encourages us to think that beauty and wealth are so important. All too often, we value money, six-pack abs, and a handsome face over respectful and generous behavior from our dating partners.

People often get confused over what “top treatment” from men even means when I mention it. Usually, they think that I’m referring to men who take them to expensive restaurants or spend a lot of money on them. But that’s not what I mean.

When I start referring to “top treatment,” what I’m talking about is when a man treats you with respect and consideration, and he wants to make you happy. Sure, you probably want a man who is in your league financially and also in the looks department. But cultural pressures may encourage you to want more and more and can leave you dissatisfied because your relationship can’t keep up with the Jones’.

What are your top priorities for your dream relationship? Do your prioritize respect and top treatment? Or are you distracted by the shiny objects, men who look good, or men who have a lot of money? Let us know in the comments what you’re doing now, or what you want to change.

Would it help if you were able to reset your priorities in dating so that you can reach your ideal relationship faster? My course, How to Be Your Own Brand of Sexy in 5 Simple Steps, will go live this month. The course is designed to help you find the real, genuine, authentic you in dating who knows what she wants and how to get it.

It can be challenging to get what you want unless you’re clear about your goals and how to make them happen. The course will teach you how to develop your dating radar, and how to figure out without question if a man is into you or not. And most importantly, if he is the right one for you.

If you’re struggling with how to recognize and get top treatment from men, the course will show you how to stand up for yourself and communicate effectively. You’ll know when it’s time to let go, cut your losses, and move on to find the real Mr. Right. Sign up for the course waiting list here. All sign-ups will be the first to know the second the course goes live.

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