Dating is a highly charged emotional experience. That’s natural. The problem is that often our emotions get in the way of finding the right guy.
Dating guys who aren’t into you is a recipe for pain and heartbreak. I don’t want that for you. You deserve a man who is into you!
But how can you tell whether he is into you or not? Although it may seem like a mystery, it’s actually pretty simple. In my 29 years of helping women get what they want with men, I’ve learned that, if you take an honest look at the facts, the answer quickly becomes clear.
If you aren’t sure he’s into you, do yourself a favor and take this test:
- Does he call for no reason?
If he calls more often than just to set up or confirm your dates, that shows you are on his mind. You want a guy who is thinking about you. - Is he interested in getting to know you?
Rather than talking about himself all the time, does he want to learn about you? Does he ask you questions about you? Does he remember what you say? You want someone who wants to know you. - Does he find time for you?
He may have a business trip, but is he making time to see you before he leaves or as soon as he returns? Does he want to talk while he’s away? You want a man who figures out how to make time for you. - Does he want to see you when it’s not about sex?
Does he want to run errands and catch a movie? Sex is important, but what’s more important is if he just wants to just be with you. - Does he want to meet your friends and family?
Is he asking to meet your people and is he saying “yes” when you suggest it? If he shows a genuine interest in your people, it shows he wants to be a deeper part of your life. - Is he introducing you to his friends and family?
If he is introducing you to his friends, it’s a good sign that he’s trying to discover if you fit into his life. That’s a plus. - Will he do things your way?
He’d probably rather be watching football, but does he turn off the TV and do what you want? You want someone who makes an effort to put your desires first. - Does he treat you like a lady?
Being a strong woman should not mean that chivalry is dead! Does he open your door? Does he offer you his jacket when you’re cold? Does he help you carry heavy packages? These are all signs that he wants to take care of you. - Is he open with you?
Most guys (not all) have trouble expressing their feelings. If he becomes vulnerable with you, that’s a big step. - Does he talk about your future together?
If he’s thinking of you in terms of the future, it’s a good sign that he is serious about you.
If your answer is “yes” to at least five questions, you are headed in the right direction. Over eight “yes” answers means he might be a keeper.
I know it’s hard to answer these questions honestly. So often we see what we want to see—not the reality. However, if you force yourself to look at the facts even when they hurt, you will be clearing the path for a guy who is into you. That’s what you deserve!
Do you struggle with figuring out if he is into you? Did you take this test? If so, I would love to hear from you. Please share your experiences and what you learned in the comments below and on Facebook and Twitter.
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