Is it time to transform your love life in the new year?


Has 2018 been a disappointing year for your love life? Maybe you were hoping to meet someone wonderful, but that didn’t happen. Or you found someone you thought was promising, but the relationship fizzled out. It happens, and that’s okay because the New Year is all about starting over.

Believe it or not, last year’s disappointments don’t have any bearing on what can happen in 2019. In fact, this year’s disappointments have probably helped you to learn and grow in ways that will enable you to have a completely different, better dating experience in 2019. When you grow and change, it can completely transform your love life.

One of the first things you need to do is change any beliefs you may have – negative beliefs that tell you that you can’t get what you want in 2019. Believing that it’s possible to accomplish your goals in 2019 is a critical first step.

Why is your attitude so important?

If you believe it’s impossible to reach your goals, you are much less likely to take the steps that are necessary to achieve them. By convincing yourself that it’s “impossible,” you’re essentially talking yourself out of making any efforts to work towards those dreams and aspirations. Why put in the effort if you think it’s hopeless and will never pay? Why even bother? Getting your attitude adjusted helps you avoid self-sabotaging thinking and behavior.

If you think 2019 is your time to shine in the relationship department, you might do a lot more to put your best foot forward, to meet more men, and to figure out what you might be doing that’s sabotaging your love life. These actions are what will propel you forward and make the next year a much happier, more successful year for love.

Amy had a dry spell in her love life for many years. She had decided to change her pattern of rushing into relationships that looked like love but turned out to crash and burn. It took Amy a while to figure out what the most important factors were that she needed for a healthy, stable relationship. But once Amy finally determined her criteria for a healthy relationship, she was disappointed that the men she met didn’t fit her checklist.

To increase her chances of success, Amy began to adjust her list to make sure she wasn’t weeding out the good guys by being a little too picky about her criteria – criteria that weren’t really deal breakers. After yet another man dropped the ball and didn’t fill her expectations, Amy became discouraged and wondered if she’d ever find Mr. Right. She knew she owed it to herself to keep trying to find a relationship, even if the process was uncomfortable sometimes. Finally, she met him.

At first, Amy wasn’t wildly attracted to him. But he seemed like a solid, nice guy. They had a lot in common, and he was brilliant, fun, and sensitive to her feelings. He was crazy about her and treated her well. Amy got used to being treated with respect and care, and she eventually fell for him too.

Your love life can look like Amy’s this year. Commit to yourself today to make 2019 your year for love. Even if you have struggled in the past, that doesn’t mean this year will be the same. My course, How to Be Your Own Brand of Sexy in 5 Simple Steps is designed to help you find the real, genuine, authentic you in dating who knows what she wants and how to get it. You’ll learn how to develop your dating radar and figure out beyond a shadow of a doubt if a man is into you or not.

And you’ll learn how to tell if a guy is right for you or not. Have you ever struggled with your dating radar or intuition? Everyone puts their best foot forward when they first start dating. But you don’t want to waste precious time on men who aren’t right for you. The How to Be Your Own Brand of Sexy in 5 Simple Steps online course will teach you how to hone your dating radar and your intuition. Your inner voice will lead you to a healthy, fulfilling relationship with the one who is right for you, if you know how to recognize and listen to it.

Are you ready to find a healthy partner who knows and appreciates the real you? What if he consistently treated you with respect and care you deserve? This course will help you attain the relationship you want.Sign up for the course waiting list here. Once you complete the course, you’ll know how to find Mr. Right and built the strong, successful romantic relationship you want. All waiting list sign-ups will be the first to know the second the course goes live.

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