
How to Break the Curse of the 90 Day Relationship

Picture this: you strike up a new relationship, and there are fireworks right away. You begin to feel awash with happiness, and you start to think that you’ve finally found that special someone. Fast forward 90 days, and the magic is gone—you’re left wondering how your intoxicating relationship could have changed so drastically in such …


How Do You Figure Out Where Your Relationship Stands?

In art and literature, the season of autumn represents both maturity and ripeness. Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” How do you know whether your relationship with a man will bloom like spring or lead to a cold, lonely winter? You may think the easiest way …


How to Stop the Déjà Vu in Your Love Life

What does deja vu mean? Déjà vu is the feeling you get that you’ve been in a particular situation before. For example, when a relationship ends, you may have a sense of déjà vu and wonder why you always find yourself alone again. Or you keep ending up with cheaters. When you find out about …


Do You See These Financial Red Flags in Your Love Life?

Do you see any financial red flags waving in your love life? When you start seeing someone new, and you’re attracted to them, it’s easy to start wondering if the casual dates could turn into something deeper and more meaningful. When the possibility of a fulfilling romantic relationship feels exciting to you, it’s so hard …


Do you know how to spot and avoid a deadbeat?

Women frequently end up in relationships with men who don’t pay for anything and can’t hold down a job for very long. Once you fall for a man like that, it’s easy to hang in there hoping that you can change him. That kind of thinking usually keeps you tied to a man who can’t …


Should the man make the first move?

In today’s busy, complicated modern dating world, you’ll hear a lot of confusing and often conflicting advice. You’ve probably already heard that instead of passively waiting on a man to initiate contact, that women should make the first move when it comes to dating. But is it always a good idea for women to make …


Can being a people-pleaser mess up your love life?

Have you ever heard the nursery rhyme, “little girls are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice”? From the time they are children all the way to adulthood, society conditions women to keep sweet and seek approval. Women are supposed to be “good girls” and put other people’s needs ahead of their own. Generally, …


3 old-fashioned dating secrets that help you find a good man.

Modern dating isn’t working for millions of women today. When the old rules about dating and romantic relationships were thrown out, we didn’t get any consistent, new guidelines to replace them. Confusion reigns. When the women’s movement and the sexual revolution started, old-fashioned dating habits became at best, passe, and at worst, outright ridiculed.   Women didn’t want …


Can dating with dignity improve your confidence?

Women often make the mistake of thinking that if they just improve their looks or their confidence, they’ll become successful with dating. Sometimes, they believe that those are the only criteria that matter when it comes to finding Mr. Right. Women who struggle with dating often believe all the hype around ‘they can’t love someone …


Do You Really Have to Understand Men When Dating?

Conventional wisdom, and the dating experts who embrace it think that women should try to understand men for dating success. Empathy is important for any relationship, dating notwithstanding, but what if ‘women always trying to understand men’ has its perils? We think it does, and we have an example to back it up. As a …

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