
3 Date Rule to Decide In Sex?

Charlotte York, the prim and traditional friend from the HBO show Sex and the City, popularized the concept of the “3 Date Rule.” The idea was that a lady “shouldn’t” have sex with a man until after their third date rule. But our cultural pressure to be sexual has changed this to “you must decide …


The Risks of Dating a Commitment-Phobic Man

Picture this: you’ve just met someone and your chemistry is through the roof. He’s not the most reliable man and you know deep in your heart that he’s not a good match long-term. But, what harm can a brief relationship do? You’re just having a bit of fun, right? Many women don’t consider the toll …


Watch for These 7 Red Flags when Dating a Divorced Man

Do alarm bells go off when you think of dating a divorced man? Women often worry about dating a man who is divorced. Why did he get divorced? Will history repeat itself with you as his spouse? Some women want to completely avoid dating divorced men because they are afraid of getting hurt and aren’t …


How to Stop Attracting the Wrong Man Now in 5 Steps

Are all the good men taken? Where have they gone? Women feel that looking for a good guy who is seriously interested in them is like looking for a needle in a haystack. They have already tried online dating, blind dates, and more. The men they meet end up being narcissists and players, guys looking …


How to Cope when You’ve Been Cheated on

Infidelity in a close relationship can be devastating because it’s a betrayal. Your partner doesn’t make your feelings a priority. His secret behavior appears to be more important than you. Everything you thought about your love story seems to fall apart. Your feelings can be similar whether he cheated on you physically or if he …


How Do You Know When It’s Time to Break Up?

Have you ever had a gut feeling that you ignored, and then ended up regretting it? Perhaps your instinct is telling you something is seriously off with your current relationship. It might be time to be more objective about it and decide if it’s time to move on. For the past month we’ve discussed how …


How Do You Get Top Treatment from Men?

It’s unfortunate, but it’s true: many women today allow men to get away with almost whatever they want. In fact, many men have gotten so used to women chasing them that they see no point in putting in much effort during the dating process… after all, why should they? Think about it. Women call men …


Are You Asking Too Much from Dating? How to Know

Am I asking too much from men? Are my standards too high? Am I single because my dating expectations are unrealistic? These are some of the most common questions I hear every day. Last week’s blog about how to get top treatment from men may have brought up these concerns for many of you as well. …


Social Media Danger: How It Can Break Your New Relationship

It’s no surprise that introducing social media into your budding relationship has the potential to backfire. There are good reasons why women who want a serious relationship often don’t introduce their new man to their friends until they’re sure the relationship has some real possibility. And social media is a lot like bringing him into …


How to Have a Good Relationship – Your Way

Readers and patients often ask me how they can begin to expect respect in a relationship and finally have a relationship on their own terms – the Be Your Own Brand of Sexy way. We’ve talked before about why respect is essential in every relationship and how to know whether you’re asking too much from …

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