Having the right mindset and positive attitude is one of the best ways to guarantee your success in any endeavor. But did you know that the right mindset can also help you navigate the dating jungle? It’s true. Learning to appreciate the benefits of dating practice can help you adjust your attitude and mindset about dating and relationships. Assuming your mindset is a positive one, there are so many benefits to dating practice. If you practice, you’ll have excellent relationship and dating skills to be your best self when the right man for you comes along. You know, it’s entirely possible to avoid sabotaging your dating life simply because you’re sick of dating.
How so?
Well, one of the most important benefits to dating practice is that you can recognize the right man for you when he finally does come along.
Sometimes, we think the right man should meet every single criterion on our list of ‘must-haves’ in a dating partner. But, we all too often forget the most important qualities we need him to possess to make a relationship work.
Ask yourself this:
- Do you write men off because they don’t check off everything on your list of must-haves?
- Have you discerned, and included, what your most important requirements are?
Please don’t get me wrong; it’s imperative to be clear about what you’re looking for in a partner, and what your deal breakers are. It’s just that it’s counterproductive to be so rigid with our requirements that we don’t see the possibilities with a good man who meets the essential requirements on our list.
It’s okay if you haven’t figured out your must-haves and nice-to-haves on your list. That’s where dating practice comes in handy. Practice will help you figure out what you need and what you don’t need in a romantic partner.
Let’s take a look at ‘Becky’s’ dating story.
Becky was thrilled when she met Dan. He checked off all the boxes! They really seemed to click! Dan took Becky to some of the nicest places in town, and she started to think that maybe Dan was the one for her.
But something strange happened. Just when Becky thought things were going along great, suddenly, Dan stopped calling. She didn’t hear from him for weeks. Becky was freaked out, but she wanted to give the guy space. Finally, much to her relief, he called and asked her out again. She said ‘yes.’
On their date, Dan told her that he was dating other women and wasn’t serious about anyone yet. He sounded confused about what he wanted, which was incredibly disappointing to Becky.
Although she’d wondered about some of the things he’d told her about his previous relationships, Becky had overlooked her concerns.
Because she was attracted to Dan, and he ticked off all of her surface-level criterion! Becky kept hoping things would work out with Dan, but he never moved the relationship forward.
Unfortunately, Becky made a common mistake. A lot of women will forget one of their most important requirements for a man – that he’s really into them, and only them.
The slow-down of their relationship completely blindsided Becky. But, the signs were there all along, and she ignored them. Now, Dan wasn’t the bad guy. He wasn’t ready for a serious relationship. He let Becky know this. Becky made the mistake of not trusting her gut and ignoring the important stuff. She knew Dan had issues with serious relationships, but she chose to ignore the warning signs and pressed on full steam ahead.
Is this something you do, too? Ignore the most important requirements in a man, despite your gut instincts?
You don’t want to have trouble recognizing Mr. Right when he arrives, because sooner or later, he will. When you begin to embrace dating as a road that leads to experience and wisdom, you’ll become more open to whatever lessons you need to learn so you can reach your relationship goals.
Are you ready to learn the lessons you need to get the love life you’ve always wanted? My course, How to be Your Own Brand of Sexy in 5 Easy Steps, is designed to help you achieve success in love. And best of all, it’s coming out very soon!
But, it will only be open early to a select few. Get early notifications here so you can be the first in line.
So what about it? Have you made the same mistake as Becky? What positive lessons did you learn while practicing dating? Let us know in the comments!