Category - Dating Dangers


When Should I Have Sex with a New Man?

In this modern world of online dating sites like Tinder and the “hook up” culture, the message seems to be clear: Women are expected to say “yes” to sex, and right away. But is that in your best interest? Or are you feeling pressured to act against your instincts? Does the thought of rushing into …


Dating? How to Read the Warning Signs

Make no mistake — dating today is like jumping into the deep end with eyes closed, hoping you will find your way to the surface despite not really knowing how to swim. With all the dating “rules” changing faster than anyone can keep track, understanding how to interpret certain dating behavior has become an art. …


Are You Gambling With Your Heart?

Have you ever wondered whether a guy was into you? Did you later discover that you’d been gambling with your heart? Why is this pattern so familiar today? It’s not your fault. Our culture puts so much pressure on us to be sexy and sexual that many of us believe that’s the key to getting …


Is Modern Dating Hurting Your Chance for Blissful Love?

We all know that the pressure on women today to be sexy and sexual causes many problems. Have you considered that it’s likely to be hurting your love life too? Here are some examples of what happens when women let our cultural pressures guide them: – Using the latest trendy dating app, Megan says she’s …


7 Critical Tips for How to Handle a “Ghoster” Coming Back into Your Life

Tell me if this sounds familiar: Everything was going well with him for a few weeks or months. And then he disappeared into thin air. You were disappointed, hurt, and angry. Maybe you were even heartbroken. But you got over it. Now, weeks or months later, he’s back and you’re confused about what to do. …


Beware of These 7 Mind Games Emotionally Insecure Men Play When Dating

It might not be natural for you to think or feel like a man is playing games with you. In fact, you might blame yourself or try to understand or want to help him. He may not be intentionally trying to hurt or manipulate you, but there is still a chance that you could be …


Sex Offenders Are Using Dating Apps: Here’s How to Stay Safe

With the increasing popularity of online dating, it’s worth discussing a rather gruesome topic: the presence of sex offenders on these sites and apps. Some of these platforms have stated they plan to make it possible for people to run a background check on their online dates if you have their last names and phone …


He Made a Huge Mistake. What Should I Do?

Your partner screwed up. He really blew it. You are fuming with anger and disappointment. Before you act, take a few seconds to think about your next steps carefully. We are fed this idea of a perfect man that always gets, always knows what to say, and never messes up. But real men, even the …


How to Tell If You Are Dating a Narcissist

Narcissists can be very enchanting individuals, so it’s not that difficult to fall for one and fall hard. They can be very charming and make it seem like they’re always ready to sweep you off your feet, which can all be quite flattering for a single woman looking for love. Unfortunately, many women find out …


Forgive and Forget: Do You Excuse Hot Guys Too Easily

I’m going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer honestly: are you choosing men based solely on looks? Even if appearance isn’t the only thing that draws you to someone, do you find that you’re more apt to ignore red flags if you think that a man is red hot? If …

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