Category - Attracting Mr. Right


Dating Despair: How to Find Hope in Your Love Life

If you’re feeling down about being single, you might be having some negative thoughts about yourself. It might feel like your love life is never going to turn around, but don’t despair! I bet you’re making a lot more progress in your love life than you realize, which means you’re getting closer to what you …


The Single Girl’s Wedding Survival Week June 23rd – 30th

Are you invited to any weddings? Wedding season can be complicated when you’re single, especially if you want to be in a relationship and you’re not. Emotions can run high. You might feel embarrassed or sad about being single. Maybe you wonder about the pros and cons of bringing a date. Will you  have to answer questions …


Single? How to Turn Around the Pre-Wedding Blues

Summer is here which means one thing—it’s wedding season. If you are a single woman, you might feel a pit in your stomach just seeing all the “save the dates” stuck to your refrigerator. It’s not that you aren’t happy for your soon-to-be-wedded friends and family, it’s just that you might be wondering, when will it …


Narcissists and Players Part 1: Turn on Your Radar Now!

The sparks that fly when you’re first getting to know a man can be very exciting. You hope you’re headed for Loveland, so you might forget that the path you’re on might lead to Heartbreak City. Narcissists and players will often leave you hurt. But, if you get good at detecting them, you can walk …


Do You Feel Guilty Saying “No” to Sex? Find Out Why

Whether you’re not ready to get physically intimate with a new man or you’re just not in the mood for sex, there will always come a time when you’ll want to say “no” to a man, about sex or something else. Unfortunately, many women have trouble saying “no” to their date or partner because they …

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