Category - How Men Think


The Feminine Edge in Dating Matters to Successful Women

Emma arrived at the restaurant first, a bottle of wine tucked under her arm. She’d seen in his profile that he liked Syrah—why not make it interesting? Mark stepped inside a moment later, scanning for her. She lifted the bottle slightly as he approached. “Figured I’d bring something we both enjoy.” His eyebrows lifted in …


Strategies for Getting Top Treatment from Successful Men

She wrapped up her call, a major deal successfully negotiated. In the corporate world, she was known for being sharp, strategic, and unwavering. But as she glanced at her phone and saw his message changing their plans again, that familiar knot formed in her stomach. “Meeting ran late. Rain check for tonight? Drinks tomorrow instead?” …


The Truth About Breaking Toxic Relationship Patterns

Sarah sat in her living room, staring at her phone long after her daughter Karen’s FaceTime call had ended. The knot in her stomach had formed halfway through their conversation, when Karen mentioned canceling her art studio membership because Brad, her new boyfriend, thought they should spend Saturday mornings together at his golf club.  “It …


What are your chances of getting married when you’re over 40?

We live in a culture that is obsessed with youth and beauty. So, it’s no wonder that so many people feel pressured to look young and attractive for as long as possible. Feminist author Caitlin Moran asks, “Would women fret themselves half to death over how they look or who fancies them if this wasn’t …


How to Get a Prize Mindset: 7 Secrets that Will Make Men See You as High Quality

When you are looking for a solid relationship, one of the most important things to pay attention to is if you are valued and treasured by your man. The way you approach every date with a prospective future partner sets the stage for that. If you see yourself as a prize that he must earn, …


How to Communicate Better with Men: The Art of Dating 40+

Carol was putting the finishing touches on her makeup when her phone buzzed with a text from Michael: “So sorry, Carol. Big crisis at work. Have to cancel dinner. Rain check?” She glanced at her watch. It was 6:45 PM, and now she was all dressed up with nowhere to go. Carol stared at her …


The Secrets to Finding a Man Ready for Commitment Over 40

At 55, freshly divorced after a 25-year marriage, Jenna stepped cautiously back into the dating world. Her first attempts were disappointing – the man who checked emails throughout dinner, the divorcé still wearing his wedding ring, the “entrepreneur” living in his parents’ basement. Just as she was about to delete all her dating apps, Jenna …


Are You Ignoring Signs He’s Not the One for You in Dating?

Rachel smoothed her dress as she waited for Nathan to pick her up. At 45 and newly divorced, she felt a flutter of excitement she hadn’t experienced in years. This was their third date, and things seemed to be going well. At the restaurant, they chatted and laughed over dinner. When the bill arrived, Nathan …


Why It’s Important to Show Interest without Chasing a Man

The dating world is a battlefield. And you, as a successful, modern woman, have been told to grab your weapon of choice – assertiveness – and charge headfirst into the fray. “Be bold! Be unapologetic!” they cry. But what they don’t realize is that this misguided advice is sending you straight into the lion’s den, …


Mindset for Dating Success: Essential Tips for Women Over 40

Diane said to her best friend, Lisa. “I don’t get it. Jim seemed so into me. Later, he tells me he’s confused and not sure what he wants. It’s like déjà vu all over again.” Lisa had heard this story before. “Have you considered that you’re not being clear about what you want?” Diane bristled …

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