Category - How Men Think


5 Fun Ways Being Playful Can Help You with Dating and Relationships

The way your potential partner perceives you is influenced by a lot more than the way you look. While looks can have a say in the immediacy of chemistry, there are plenty of other factors that have a strong say as well. In many cases, troubled relationships can be improved by simply putting in the …


Beware of These 7 Mind Games Emotionally Insecure Men Play When Dating

It might not be natural for you to think or feel like a man is playing games with you. In fact, you might blame yourself or try to understand or want to help him. He may not be intentionally trying to hurt or manipulate you, but there is still a chance that you could be …


5 Brutally Honest Reasons Why You Don’t Attract the Right Men

Modern dating involves kissing a lot of frogs. However, unlike the fairytale, the frog usually doesn’t turn into a prince. Here’s the truth. Most women attract a lot of men, but most of them won’t be your Mr. Right. Your job is to figure out who to weed out and who to encourage so that …


How to Get a Prize Mindset: 7 Secrets that Will Make Men See You as High Quality

When you are looking for a solid relationship, one of the most important things to pay attention to is if you are valued and treasured by your man. The way you approach every date with a prospective future partner sets the stage for that. If you see yourself as a prize that he must earn, …


3 Tips to Set Boundaries when Dating to Create Healthy Relationships

We live in a culture that encourages us to share most aspects of our lives. Just hop on Instagram for a few minutes, and you will probably find out where the people in your list are, what they had for lunch, what products they are using, and so on. When most people are expecting us …


Why You Should You Play Hard to Get When Dating: 5 Ways to Do It Right

“Playing hard to get” is a very old dating strategy women have relied on for centuries, but in the modern world of dating, many believe it to be a bit passe. Women now distance themselves from this approach because they don’t want to play games with the men they are dating, as it seems a …


How to Get Answers from Your Date without Interrogating Him: 3 Effective Ways

Picture this: You are on a date, are sitting at a table waiting for your dinner and you are eager to learn more about the person in front of you. So, you start asking him questions: “Where are you from?” “Do you have any siblings?” “What did you study?” “What do you do for a …


3 Basic Flirting Tips and Why They’re Important to Your Love Life

Have you ever heard the saying, “Exploring the unknown requires tolerating uncertainty.”? The world of dating is no different. In an era filled with numerous ways to meet, interact, and formulate relationships, the road to a love life is not so straightforward. From Tinder and Instagram all the way to meeting through friends, dating has …


3 Top Reasons Men Reject You and What You Can Do about Them

Most of us are familiar with the sinking feeling of getting rejected. It’s a feeling no one likes. Unfortunately, dating means that you will get rejected quite often. But, if you want to find the right person, then you need to understand that it does not usually happen the moment when you stick your toe …


How Hidden Power and Influence Can Help Us Understand the Gates Divorce

By now, you probably heard already that Bill Gates and his wife Melinda French Gates are getting divorced. Divorces can be incredibly painful even when both parties agree it’s the best solution. Having every gory detail plastered on every media outlet can make things even more difficult than they already are. Nobody really knows what …

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