
What’s Blocking You from Finding True Love?

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves when it comes to dating, which can lead to negative thoughts. It’s not surprising that sometimes a simple, casual date feels more important than it needs to. Here’s the thing: a few bad dates don’t mean that you will end up alone. But, you do need to …


How to Tell If You Are Dating a Narcissist

Narcissists can be very enchanting individuals, so it’s not that difficult to fall for one and fall hard. They can be very charming and make it seem like they’re always ready to sweep you off your feet, which can all be quite flattering for a single woman looking for love. Unfortunately, many women find out …


How to Show Interest in a Man Without Being Too Forward

Are you afraid that you might be too forward with a man? Let’s look at the big picture for a second. As women, we’ve been at a disadvantage. Most of us were raised to put our needs second and prioritize others and how they feel.  Men were generally raised to be assertive while we were …


10 Ways to Show Interest in a Man Without Being Too Forward

When you’d like to find a good man to date, it’s important to know the best ways to show interest when an opportunity arises. A man is more likely to put some effort into your relationship when he feels he has a chance with you.  Yet, it is possible that you can come on too …


10 ways to avoid wasting time with online dating

Some women get super lucky. They manage to meet their soulmate online and live happily ever after. The rest of us mortals endlessly correspond with men they never meet. Or we end up going out with men who aren’t interested in relationships. Worse still, we end up agreeing to dates with guys we know aren’t …


5 Myths That Are Ruining Your Relationships with Men

It’s a tale as old as time: women go through breakups, then soothe their broken hearts by making generalizations about men. We tell our friends that it’s not their fault for getting too invested too quickly because men simply don’t know how to be emotionally available, or that there’s no reason to feel bad that …


How Do You Figure Out Where Your Relationship Stands?

In art and literature, the season of autumn represents both maturity and ripeness. Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” How do you know whether your relationship with a man will bloom like spring or lead to a cold, lonely winter? You may think the easiest way …


How to Tell if Your Love Life Has Instantly Changed

Do you believe in love at first sight? One survey discovered that over 50% of people say they have had the experience of falling in love at first sight and 90% of the time it led to a relationship. 55% of those married, 20% were in a long term relationship, 16% in a short term …


How to Stop the Déjà Vu in Your Love Life

What does deja vu mean? Déjà vu is the feeling you get that you’ve been in a particular situation before. For example, when a relationship ends, you may have a sense of déjà vu and wonder why you always find yourself alone again. Or you keep ending up with cheaters. When you find out about …


Guardians of the Galaxy: How to Protect Your Heart

The movie Guardians of the Galaxy has an important lesson for women about how to protect your heart with men and why you should do it. It may seem strange to you that five years after this movie was released, I’m writing an article about it. But there’s a very good reason why I haven’t …

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