How’s your first month of the New Year going?
If you have the New Year blues, you aren’t alone. The New Year is often a time of reflection, and when all the parties and festivities are over, it can be hard to take a closer look at your life. If things haven’t panned out the way you wanted them to, you might have some feelings of sadness or disappointment. If you are single, were you hoping there would be a new man in your life by now? If you are dating someone, did you think he would propose by now?
If you are feeling disappointed, there might be something that’s not working for you in your love life that might not be so easy to look at.
Here’s what happens when we don’t face our problems: in one year, we’ll probably end up in the same situation we’re in now. That’s a BIG reason why only 8% of people actually achieve their new year’s resolutions.
If we do face our problems, we’re much more likely to be in a better place a year from now. We might not have exactly what we want, but we’ll be much closer.
It can feel overwhelming to tackle not having the relationship you want, and you might not know where to start. That’s OK. You can start with the first step: trying to figure out why things aren’t working out the way you’d like. Here are a few things to get you started:
- Do men think of you as a friend and don’t ask you out? If so, read my blog post, Being Lovable Right Now.
- Do they not ask for a second date? If so, read my blog post, Are You Pushing Him Away and Don’t Know It?
- Do men treat you poorly? If so, read my blog post, Do You Train Men to Treat You Poorly?
- Do you go out with nice guys who treat you well, but they break off the relationship with you? If so, read my blog post, How to Keep a Keeper.
Would you like a free gift that can help you be more successful with men? It’s called Do You Make These 7 Mistakes With Men? It will help you learn how to turn those errors around so you can start getting what you want from men!
Believe it or not, it’s a good thing to have some kind of pattern like this. Your pattern can help you to figure out what isn’t working for you and what you can do to turn your situation around.
Then, learning how to be your own Brand of Sexy can help you break that pattern. Being your own Brand of Sexy means figuring out what you want, what works for you as an individual, and what strategies will help you achieve your relationship goals, whatever they may be. It’s also important to be able to stand up for yourself. Not sure if you are being your own Brand of Sexy? Click here to take a quiz to find out!
Want more? Read my award-winning new book, Be Your Own Brand of Sexy: A New Sexual Revolution for Women.
This book will hold your hand while you go through the process of figuring out what isn’t working, and it will help you make this year turn out very differently for your love life.
If you’ve already bought Be Your Own Brand of Sexy: A New Sexual Revolution for Women, thank you! Have you read it yet? If so, you may want to re-read it, especially if you have forgotten any of my tips on how to get what you want from men. Being your own Brand of Sexy takes practice, and reviewing the book helps when you’re trying to change old patterns. If you haven’t read the book yet, what are you waiting for? Being your own Brand of Sexy will help you get what you want out of love and life!
Yes, I want to find true love now: Buy Be Your Own Brand of Sexy: A New Sexual Revolution for Women.
What are your dating and relationship goals for the New Year? How do you plan to turn your love life around this year? I’d love to hear from you. Please share your experiences in the comments below and on Facebook and Twitter.
You can do this. Join the revolution. Be your own Brand of Sexy and get what you want.