Category - Attracting Mr. Right


How to Improve Your Dating Life: 5 Game-Changing Ways

If you’re reading this, your dating life might not be getting you to the place you want fast enough. In fact, at times you might feel like you’re stuck in a rut of bad dates and relationships that go nowhere. Do you ever wonder, “Why is my dating life so bad?” Judging from a lot …


What Makes a Woman Attractive to a Man? The Research May Surprise You

What are men attracted to in a woman? We often assume we know what the other sex is looking for in a partner. Our culture constantly bombards us with messages about what people find attractive in the opposite sex.  The problem begins when you think you know what men want, but you can’t live up …


How to Be a Good Date and Improve Your Dating Success

When you’ve been dating awhile, it can take a lot of time, energy, and determination to keep putting yourself out there when it seems you have little results to show for all your efforts. And if your heart has been bruised and battered, it can be even more challenging to date and risk getting hurt …


How to Keep From Messing Up Your Budding Romance

If you’re looking for a serious, committed romantic relationship, it’s all about figuring out if he’s going to be the right partner for you. How to avoid the friend zone? Are you two compatible? And, it’s also critical to learn how to keep from messing up your budding romance. There’s nothing worse than finding a …


How to avoid the dreaded friend zone

How to avoid the friend zone? It’s not just guys who get stuck in the avoiding the friend zone. Avoiding the friend zone is an equal-opportunity antagonist, dream-dasher, and hope-stealer to all people who want more than just friendship from a special someone. if you want more from a man than just his friendship, you …


Is He Seeing Someone Else? 7 Subtle Warning Signs to Pay Attention to

So, you’ve met this guy and went on a few dates with him. Things were going well, but now you have this nagging feeling that something is off. “Is he seeing someone else?” you keep wondering to yourself. Maybe you’ve been cheated on before and now you are extra cautious. Or maybe you want to …


The 5 Essential Mindset Shifts You Need to Make to Find Love

It’s no wonder mindset for dating is such an emotional process. Not only do you have to contend with awkward conversations and an utter lack of chemistry, but some dates can be truly duds. And, if that wasn’t bad enough, those problems are just the tip of the iceberg. When you meet someone you like, the …


How to Change Your Luck in Love Now

Looking forward to the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day celebrations? Holidays that involve socializing are great opportunities to try out new luck in love life strategies and meet some new men. It can also be the perfect time to clear up any pestering thoughts you might have, like “How to change your luck Love?”. Do you …


Is He Seeing Someone Else? 5 Warning Signs He’s Dating Other Women

You’ve just started dating a new man and you are curious if there’s a way to tell if he’s still dating other women. It’s normal and perfectly acceptable for the two of you to be is he seeing someone else other people until you have a talk that defines your relationship as exclusive. In fact, …


5 Reasons Why Men Pull Away Even When Things Are Going Great

Have you ever had that sinking feeling when you felt a man pull away from you? All of a sudden, he’s not texting or calling as often. He’s not making plans with you. He might text you back if you reach out to him, but the affection and the attention are not the same. You …

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