
How to Tell if Your Love Life Has Instantly Changed

Do you believe in love at first sight? One survey discovered that over 50% of people say they have had the experience of falling in love at first sight and 90% of the time it led to a relationship. 55% of those married, 20% were in a long term relationship, 16% in a short term …


How to Stop the Déjà Vu in Your Love Life

What does deja vu mean? Déjà vu is the feeling you get that you’ve been in a particular situation before. For example, when a relationship ends, you may have a sense of déjà vu and wonder why you always find yourself alone again. Or you keep ending up with cheaters. When you find out about …


Guardians of the Galaxy: How to Protect Your Heart

The movie Guardians of the Galaxy has an important lesson for women about how to protect your heart with men and why you should do it. It may seem strange to you that five years after this movie was released, I’m writing an article about it. But there’s a very good reason why I haven’t …


Do You Know How to Influence a Man?

Human beings are social creatures, and as such, we consciously and subconsciously like to influence others. This type of behavior is especially common in close, intimate relationships. When you’re interested in a man you’re dating, inevitably, you will want to influence him in some way. What can this look like? It’s different for every relationship …


Do you know how to spot and avoid a deadbeat?

Women frequently end up in relationships with men who don’t pay for anything and can’t hold down a job for very long. Once you fall for a man like that, it’s easy to hang in there hoping that you can change him. That kind of thinking usually keeps you tied to a man who can’t …


Should the man make the first move?

In today’s busy, complicated modern dating world, you’ll hear a lot of confusing and often conflicting advice. You’ve probably already heard that instead of passively waiting on a man to initiate contact, that women should make the first move when it comes to dating. But is it always a good idea for women to make …


5 Surefire Ways to Know if He Really Likes You

When you first start dating a man, and you like him, you’ll get all excited and nervous, wondering if he feels the same about you. Knowing whether or not a guy is into you is one of the most nerve-wracking questions you can have in a brand new relationship. Does it have promise, or are …


Online Dating: Why the Holidays are the Best Time to Get Started

Are you worried that the holidays are the worst time to jump into online dating? Actually, the holiday season is one of the best times of the year to begin looking for love online. Match.com says that they see the biggest increase in new subscribers around the holiday season. From Christmas to Valentine’s day, online …


3 old-fashioned dating secrets that help you find a good man.

Modern dating isn’t working for millions of women today. When the old rules about dating and romantic relationships were thrown out, we didn’t get any consistent, new guidelines to replace them. Confusion reigns. When the women’s movement and the sexual revolution started, old-fashioned dating habits became at best, passe, and at worst, outright ridiculed.   Women didn’t want …


Can the #MeToo Movement make your dating life better?

No matter what your politics are, the #MeToo movement is changing the world. It’s all over social media and the news. Powerful individuals and institutions are being outed for their disrespectful behavior towards women because of this movement that is taking the world by storm.   The #MeToo movement is changing the way women are treated in politics …

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