Category - Kitchen Sink


Looking for a Better Love Life? How to Take Action Now

You’ve noticed that something isn’t working in your love life. Maybe you have started thinking about how your own behavior might be contributing to your problems. After being on the fence for awhile, you might have even decided to make a big change in your own behavior to try to better your love life. Now …


Determined to Change Your Love Life? Here’s How

You have realized something isn’t working out in your love life. Maybe you even recently thought about how your own behavior might be contributing to your problems. But now what? Now comes one of the most difficult steps of all – deciding to make a real change. Whether you’re looking for the love of your …


How to Fix Your Love Life in 5 Steps: #2 Think

Although you can make big changes in your love life at any time of year, we seem to think about it more naturally when a new year starts. We often take stock of what our last year was like and think about what didn’t work out so well, and what we’d like to improve. We …


This is the Year You Can Transform Your Love Life

Have you thought about your new year’s resolutions yet? What are you ready to finally change? Maybe you’re tired of being single and are ready for a relationship but no matter how much you want it, things don’t seem to change. Maybe you’re not looking for a relationship because all the men you meet treat …


How to Survive the Holidays with your Family

Although holiday songs tell us that this is the “most wonderful time of the year,” you may be asking yourself where all the joy in your life seems to have gone. It’s not just you – for many people, this can be a difficult period despite all the merry-making. Now is the time when you …


Is He Really into You? 3 Excuses to Watch for during the Holidays

What’s a highlight of the winter season for single women that doesn’t involve eating and gift-giving? Clarity. Now’s the time of year when you can quickly tell if he’s really into you. The holidays present a wonderful opportunity for you to tell whether that man you’ve had your eye on is really interested in you …


The Holidays: How to Make the Best of Them

The holidays… for most of us, you either love them or hate them. Whatever way you lean, dealing with the winter and all of its festivities can put you on an emotional roller coaster ride. Work obligations, family considerations, travel logistics, gift-giving – it’s a lot to pile on at once. Worse still, it makes …


Love Life Trouble? How to Keep Going When You Want to Give up

Life can throw you a curveball when you least expect it. And sometimes, that curveball seems to hit you square in the face, leaving you feeling bruised and beaten. Whether you’re having problems with your family, friends, or dating life, failure or setbacks can take a serious toll on your outlook and your wellbeing. They …


Fifty Shades of Confusion: Sexy Love Story or Dangerous Trend for Women?

The wildly popular trilogy Fifty Shades of Grey opened a new dialogue about sex and in some cases even reinvigorated stale sex lives. But it isn’t simply a sexy love story. This series and its subsequent movies have led to a slippery slope, where we’re hitting an even lower low of normalizing sexual violence toward …


Being Lovable Right Now

I’m too fat to find a man. I’m not smart enough. I’m not pretty enough. I do not come from a good family. I’m too old. Any of those thoughts sound familiar? These are just some of the self-defeating messages that run through our minds when we date. I’ve heard them over and over again …

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