
Is Modern Dating Hurting Your Chance for Blissful Love?

We all know that the pressure on women today to be sexy and sexual causes many problems. Have you considered that it’s likely to be hurting your love life too? Here are some examples of what happens when women let our cultural pressures guide them: – Using the latest trendy dating app, Megan says she’s …


The Top 7 Dating Mistakes Women Over 40 Make That Keep Them Single

Many women find themselves single again after a long marriage. And, a lot of them start looking for a new husband or partner with a better fit and a much better outcome. All of those painful experiences can put you in a much better position to find true love. But, if you’ve been in a …


3 Simple Steps to Follow If You Want to Transform Your Love Life in 2022

If you were honest with yourself right now, does your love life look a bit stagnant, or even missing in action? Are you approaching your romantic life a little too passively? I’m not talking about your desire to meet someone, but the actual actions you take to fulfill them. Are you perhaps just hoping to …


What two things do you need to find dating success?

Knowing the results of recent scientific studies on dating and relationships can help you in your pursuit of love. Studies without science to back them up don’t inspire much confidence otherwise. And in a lot of cases, the biases of the people conducting unscientific research will taint the results. That makes it hard to believe …


When the Student Is Ready: 3 Signs You Are Ready for Your Love Teacher

Have you ever heard the old saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher will arrive?” People debate the origins of this wise saying, but it’s a helpful lesson on your path to finding love. How do you know when you are ready? The dating world is full of opportunities, but the truth is that …


3 Basic Flirting Tips and Why They’re Important to Your Love Life

Have you ever heard the saying, “Exploring the unknown requires tolerating uncertainty.”? The world of dating is no different. In an era filled with numerous ways to meet, interact, and formulate relationships, the road to a love life is not so straightforward. From Tinder and Instagram all the way to meeting through friends, dating has …


Sex Offenders Are Using Dating Apps: Here’s How to Stay Safe

With the increasing popularity of online dating, it’s worth discussing a rather gruesome topic: the presence of sex offenders on these sites and apps. Some of these platforms have stated they plan to make it possible for people to run a background check on their online dates if you have their last names and phone …


7 Secrets That Will Change Your Dating Life Forever

As I’ve told you before, this may be the best time in your life to find love. But how do you get what you want from dating? A lot of women have written to me saying they don’t have the looks, success, or confidence to date. Here’s the thing: those aren’t the secrets to success. …


10 ways to avoid wasting time with online dating

Some women get super lucky. They manage to meet their soulmate online and live happily ever after. The rest of us mortals endlessly correspond with men they never meet. Or we end up going out with men who aren’t interested in relationships. Worse still, we end up agreeing to dates with guys we know aren’t …


Forgive and Forget: Do You Excuse Hot Guys Too Easily

I’m going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer honestly: are you choosing men based solely on looks? Even if appearance isn’t the only thing that draws you to someone, do you find that you’re more apt to ignore red flags if you think that a man is red hot? If …

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