
Depression Worse for Teen Girls: How That Hurts You

Depression Worse for Teen Girls: How That Hurts You

The rate of Major Depressive Disorder in teenage girls jumped drastically between 2005 and 2014 to record high numbers: in girls, it increased from 13% to 17%; in boys, the increase was much smaller, going from 4% to 6%. In total, another study found that about 14% of boys and 36% of girls are depressed …

Are You Losing Power in the World of Modern Dating?

Are You Losing Power in the World of Modern Dating?

When it comes to progress, many people seem to think that all change is good. In reality, some changes can have both good and bad consequences. Progress in the women’s movement for equality has faced such struggles, like when we earned the ability to work outside the home only to find ourselves doing 20 hour …

Dating Less? Maybe It’s a Good Sign

Dating Less? Maybe It’s a Good Sign

It’s easy for women to start to worry when things slow down in the dating department. I’ve had more than one patient on the road to becoming their own Brand of Sexy say to me, “Dr. Susan, what’s going on? I thought I’d be dating more often now, but instead…” These dry spells can lead many …

Are You a Bully? The Reality of Fat-Shaming

Are You a Bully? The Reality of Fat-Shaming

Did you know that fat-shaming is essentially bullying? The Merriam-Webster dictionary says bullying is “abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful, etc.” When criticizing someone for their weight, you are adding to the emotional abuse they already receive regularly from our fat-shaming culture and probably from others close to them in …

Dating? How to Read the Warning Signs

Dating? How to Read the Warning Signs

Make no mistake — dating today is like jumping into the deep end with eyes closed, hoping you will find your way to the surface despite not really knowing how to swim. With all the dating “rules” changing faster than anyone can keep track, understanding how to interpret certain dating behavior has become an art. …

5 Dating Tips That Will Transform Your Love Life

5 Dating Tips That Will Transform Your Love Life

There’s all kinds of bad, contradictory advice out there about what to do when dating. How do you sort through it all? Start by recognizing that a huge part of the confusion around dating is due to the cultural pressures. We face to look sexy and be sexual, telling us that dating is all about …

Is It Love or Are You Wanting to Be in Love?

Is It Love or Are You Wanting to Be in Love?

It’s easy to fall in love with the idea of being in love. Movies and TV make falling in love seem so appealing. Did you know that romance novels are the most popular literary genre, comprising half of all paperback books sold? The thought that love will solve all your problems can be a pleasing …


How the Confidence of Babies Can Empower You

How does a baby get the confidence to walk when she’s crawling? How does she keep trying when she falls down over and over again? Why doesn’t she get discouraged and simply give up? Beyond the natural curiosity and tenacity of blissfully forgetful children, the secret to their successes can be found in the endless …

How to Hang in There When Life Is Hard

How to Hang in There When Life Is Hard

Whether your partner has just dumped you, you’ve got 20 pounds to lose, or you have some other difficult situation on your hands, life can seem unbearably hard sometimes. Carrie’s situation is a good example: Carrie and Tom had been going out for awhile and got along great. The only problem was, Carrie is significantly …

How to Change Your Outlook on Your Weight

How to Change Your Outlook on Your Weight

How do you do it? – Keep up a positive attitude about your body with so much of the world telling you that you never look good enough? If you struggle, you are not alone. Although Becky would really like to be in a relationship, she isn’t meeting any men. She doesn’t want to date …