
How to Combat Sexual Harassment: You Are the Answer

How to Combat Sexual Harassment: You Are the Answer

Do you feel more empowered to say “no” to someone sexually harassing you now that so many well-known women have shared their experiences with Harvey Weinstein? Do you think you are more likely to speak out against such behavior? Maybe you’re not, and that’s okay. There are other ways you can be part of the …

How to Communicate Better with Men

How to Communicate Better with Men

When Stephanie began therapy to improve her love life, she described how Dan made her feel bad about herself when he was chronically late for their dates. She said that trying to talk about these issues with him only seemed to cause more trouble. That was a good conversation starter with Stephanie and her therapist, …

Is It a Good Idea to Be Friends with Your Ex?

Is It a Good Idea to Be Friends with Your Ex?

Whether he wouldn’t commit from the beginning or crushed your heart after making promises, getting broken up with can be miserable. Despite how it ended, though, many women remain friends with their exes after the the separation. Is it really a good idea to be friends with your ex after the breakup? In my professional …

How to Get Past Roadblocks on the Path to Love

How to Get Past Roadblocks on the Path to Love

Does your love life often take you to déjà vu land? You know, that place that’s familiar because you feel like you’ve been there before? Maybe every date you go on feels like the previous one or has a similar outcome, so you’ve begun to think all men are jerks or that you’ll never meet …

How Being a Slave to Beauty Hurts You

How Being a Slave to Beauty Hurts You

Jane Fonda turns 80 in December. Last Sunday night she appeared at the Emmy awards with an amazingly youthful appearance for someone who’s 79 years old. How does this affect you as a woman today? We don’t always see how much we’re pressured by unrealistic and unattainable beauty ideals. Their influence is subtle, yet very …

Depression Worse for Teen Girls: How That Hurts You

Depression Worse for Teen Girls: How That Hurts You

The rate of Major Depressive Disorder in teenage girls jumped drastically between 2005 and 2014 to record high numbers: in girls, it increased from 13% to 17%; in boys, the increase was much smaller, going from 4% to 6%. In total, another study found that about 14% of boys and 36% of girls are depressed …

Are You Losing Power in the World of Modern Dating?

Are You Losing Power in the World of Modern Dating?

When it comes to progress, many people seem to think that all change is good. In reality, some changes can have both good and bad consequences. Progress in the women’s movement for equality has faced such struggles, like when we earned the ability to work outside the home only to find ourselves doing 20 hour …

Dating Less? Maybe It’s a Good Sign

Dating Less? Maybe It’s a Good Sign

It’s easy for women to start to worry when things slow down in the dating department. I’ve had more than one patient on the road to becoming their own Brand of Sexy say to me, “Dr. Susan, what’s going on? I thought I’d be dating more often now, but instead…” These dry spells can lead many …

Are You a Bully? The Reality of Fat-Shaming

Are You a Bully? The Reality of Fat-Shaming

Did you know that fat-shaming is essentially bullying? The Merriam-Webster dictionary says bullying is “abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful, etc.” When criticizing someone for their weight, you are adding to the emotional abuse they already receive regularly from our fat-shaming culture and probably from others close to them in …