
How to Break the Curse of the 90 Day Relationship

Picture this: you strike up a new relationship, and there are fireworks right away. You begin to feel awash with happiness, and you start to think that you’ve finally found that special someone. Fast forward 90 days, and the magic is gone—you’re left wondering how your intoxicating relationship could have changed so drastically in such …


Be My Valentine? How to Tell If He’s into You

The most romantic day of the year is upon us: Valentine’s Day. It’s a moment many women dream about, a day where the man goes out of his way to show you how much they love and appreciate you. Honestly, they should have this concern every day of the year, but let’s not get too …


Sunny with a Chance of Love: Your Opportunities This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day can feel quite lonely when you are single. It may even seem like the entire world is in a relationship, except you. That’s far from being true. Statistics reveal that the proportion of Americans who are living without a partner increased from 39% in 2007 to 42% in 2017. The data shows that …


Is the Fear of Failure Keeping You from Finding Love?

“Most people who fail in their dreams fail not from lack of ability but from lack of commitment.” Author and speaker Zig Ziglar said this, underlining the importance of not just picturing your goals and dreams, but having the drive and putting in the work to achieve them. But there’s another component in the process …


No, Just Wishing for Love Is Not Enough

Writer and historian Washington Irving famously once said that “Great minds have purposes; others have wishes.” And in all honesty, you should leave your wishes for your Amazon shopping lists. The rest? Meaning love, marriage, a great career, strong family ties, all these shouldn’t be just wishes. They should be your goals. Because there’s a …


This Is How You Can Get Closer to Your Relationship Goals

It’s official: 5% of 2020 is already gone. And since the new year is a time where most people set new goals in their lives, it’s worth taking a look at your relationship goal. Do you feel like you’ve accomplished at least 5% yet? Though January is that time of year to set goals, it …


Marriage Is an Exclusive Club: Want to Be a Member?

Marriage as an institution is evolving. Back in the days, it was all about property and procreation while nowadays the focus has moved on to companionship, love, and equal partnership. Marriage is also one of those topics everyone has an opinion about. Some think that it’s no longer necessary, that it contributes to the oppression …


The Best Gift You Can Give? Make Yourself a Top Priority

So many women are so used to taking care of others and putting everyone else first. The result? They neglect themselves. Are you one of those women? Don’t get too down on yourself if you are. Our culture encourages women to be selfless, always putting others’ needs ahead of our own. Women feel like putting …


How to Change Your Perspective on Dating and Travel New Roads

Have you ever heard the phrase, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?” It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, especially when it comes to dating and relationships. Some people will date the same type of man or woman who they aren’t compatible with, despite the repeated …


Envisioning Your Success Can Unlock the Future

It’s a New Age belief that if you can envision and imagine your goal has come true, then the universe will somehow make it happen through a magical, inspiring process of electromagnetic engineering. Now that Thanksgiving is fast approaching, positive thinking regarding your goals for romance can take center stage. But what exactly does the …

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