Category - Kitchen Sink


Improve Your Chances of Finding the Man of Your Dreams

In a world where romantic movies portray love as effortless, the reality of finding the man of your dreams is far more complex. It’s a transformative journey that demands preparation and readiness. While it may seem daunting, remember the timeless adage, “When the student is ready, the teacher will arrive.” So, how can you best …


12 Warning Signs You’re Pushing Him Away and How to Stop

Are you tired of seeing potential partners slip through your fingers, without understanding why? Could you be pushing them away without realizing it? If you’re a single woman yearning for lasting love but can’t seem to hold on to it, then it’s time to take a hard look at your behavior and face the 12 …


How Mental Health Affects Relationships: E. Jean Carroll

One of the highlights of mental health awareness month was the legal battle between writer E. Jean Carroll and former president Donald Trump. Wherever you stand politically, this case demonstrates the long-lasting devastating effects that sexual trauma can have on a woman’s romantic relationships and her entire life. Ms. Carroll was awarded $5 million in …


How to Stop Judging People by Their Appearance when Dating

Although the phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover” has been popular since 1860, people in our culture do it daily. Our culture bombards us with messages about the importance of looks and beauty. Bucking the tidal wave of attention to beautiful people takes true bravery. When it comes to dating, it’s easy to …


7 Tips for Overcoming a Fear of Rejection when Dating

Human beings are built for connection. Our brains need consistent bonding and nurturing. Studies have shown that babies and children don’t thrive without contact and touch. So it’s no wonder that rejection can be a miserable experience. Rejection appears to activate the same areas of the brain that are associated with physical pain. It may …


How to Move Forward Now on Your Path to Love

Do you feel stuck on the road to changing your love life for the better? Maybe you feel like you’re trapped in a labyrinth of love, where you wander round and round yet always meet dead ends. Or do you continuously find yourself in the same types of dating situations that don’t give you what …


5 Real Love Lessons You Can Learn from Kim Kardashian’s Marriages

Answer me this: are you starting over, or looking for a partner? Because if you are, Kim K’s love life holds many useful lessons many women should pay attention to! Choosing a partner makes a huge difference in your life. It has a say in your financial security, emotional wellbeing, and even the level of …


Being Single 101

  If you’ve ever been asked “Why are you still single?”, you know that it’s a question that can really get you down. Even if it is asked with the best of intentions, it can still feel more like an accusation than an innocent inquiry. So, the next time you are faced with this question, …


How to Get Ready for Love and Empower Women

Are you ready for love? If you met Mr. Right today, would you be able to attract him? Keep him? Or would you accept less than top treatment and ultimately sabotage your relationship? Many women have trouble saying “no” to men and standing up for themselves in general, which can often lead to men taking …


Is he into you? Take this simple test.

  Dating is a highly charged emotional experience. That’s natural. The problem is that often our emotions get in the way of finding the right guy. Dating guys who aren’t into you is a recipe for pain and heartbreak. I don’t want that for you. You deserve a man who is into you! But how …

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