Category - Your Emotions


Dating Less? Maybe It’s a Good Sign

It’s easy for women to start to worry when things slow down in the dating department. I’ve had more than one patient on the road to becoming their own Brand of Sexy say to me, “Dr. Susan, what’s going on? I thought I’d be dating more often now, but instead…” These dry spells can lead many …


It’s Time To Be Thankful For The Skin You’re In

This week we’ll wrap up our series on thankfulness with a reminder to be thankful for the reflection in the mirror. You matter. You’re beautiful. You are worthy of love. You don’t have to fit anyone else’s agenda for what makes a beautiful, sexy, vital woman, just your own. That, in fact, is what your …


How to Improve Your Life by Being Nicer to Yourself

“My thighs are too fat.” “My breasts are so weird…” “Ugh. My stomach sticks out too far.” Sound familiar? It’s hard not to get down on ourselves when it comes to appearance. We are constantly bombarded by airbrushed images of perfect-looking models and celebrities. And with those “perfected” images comes the subconscious decree: Look like …


How to Stop Letting Your Low Self-Esteem Ruin Your Life

Negative self-talk. People-pleasing. Having trouble making decisions in your own best interest for fear of judgment or losing someone’s approval. These all can be signs of low-esteem, and they could be keeping you from living the life you want and deserve. If this sounds familiar, it could be time to develop your self-confidence. For the …


Drinking and Rape- How to Protect Yourself This St. Patrick’s Day

It may seem like harmless fun to have a few drinks on St. Patrick’s Day. Unfortunately, alcohol is a big factor in the incidence of date rape. Simply put, date rape is unwanted sex from a person you know. No one is “owed” sex, not even if they bought you a nice dinner. It also …


Do You Worry About Making a Good First Impression?

Is your worry about making the best first impression on a date preventing you from putting your real self out there? Maybe you’re just nervous beforehand, but don’t know why, leaving you to feel unsure and off your game when that’s the last way you want to feel before a date. If it feels like …


How Fashion & Sex Trends Confuse Your Life

Have you ever been disappointed when the latest fashion trend just didn’t look all that good on you, but you made the purchase anyway? Maybe you bought low-rise jeans and had a muffin top, or the stiletto heels you bought made your feet hurt so badly you wanted to cry. OK, so maybe everything looks …


Do You Feel Guilty Saying “No” to Sex? Find Out Why

Whether you’re not ready to get physically intimate with a new man or you’re just not in the mood for sex, there will always come a time when you’ll want to say “no” to a man, about sex or something else. Unfortunately, many women have trouble saying “no” to their date or partner because they …

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