
Is It True That a Cheater Never Changes Its Spots?

We’ve all heard the old phrase, “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” Is it true? And how can you tell if the man you’re dating could be a serial cheater? The subject of infidelity makes a lot of us twitchy. If you’ve even been betrayed, you know how it feels to have your trust shattered …


Do You Hate Playing Games with Men? Here’s How to Avoid It.

Many women are conflicted about making plans to get what they want from men. Does it make you nervous to talk about strategies with dating and relationships? Some women argue that standing up for yourself or having any strategy is playing games with men or is manipulation in relationships, while others swear by these methods …


Signs It’s Time to End a Relationship or Consider Ending It

Breakups are miserable. Sometimes we’ll do anything to avoid the pain of losing our partner and the promise of that shared future. That can make it very hard to decide whether to continue a relationship. Should you hang in there and give your relationship a chance? Or should you end it rather than waste your precious time? It’s …


Looking for Mr. Right? How to Attract a Man Like a Magnet

Have you noticed that beautiful women often struggle with their love lives too? Although we’re told that we should be sexy and beautiful to attract a good man, there’s much more to it than that. Of course, how you look matters, but in the grand scheme of things, other qualities are much more important.  Why …


Should You Reconsider the Traits You Want in a Partner?

Have you ever wondered why so many women fall for narcissistic men? When I see a woman with a narcissistic man in a restaurant, I see trouble ahead. But, you may not. If you find narcissistic men appealing, it’s not your fault. It’s easy to become influenced by the allure of superficial qualities when we’re …


10 Questions about Relationships to Improve Your Love Life

We’re always learning new things about dating, relationships, and love because there’s a lot for all of us to learn. Looking at your disappointments and mistakes can be painful, but it usually makes a big difference in understanding what we truly seek in a partner and a relationship. If you’re having any kind of trouble …


How to Be a Confident Woman in a Relationship Today

Confidence is not necessary for you to find and keep a good relationship. Surprised? I know, this is the opposite of what you’ve constantly heard. If you believe the unfortunate myth that you must fully love yourself before you can find a partner, it’s not your fault. We are constantly bombarded with messages about how …


Is Chivalry Dead in Dating? Stop Settling for Less

The feminist movements of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries led to much more power for women in the workplace. But have we also gained more power in our private lives? Maybe not. And there’s one big problem — we may have killed off chivalry. All the old chivalry toward a woman – opening her door, …


How to Avoid Being Manipulated in a Relationship Now

I won’t sugarcoat it – the dating world can be a minefield of deception and manipulation. Fortunately, you can develop an essential skill that will protect your heart and empower you to identify the genuine connection you deserve. Everyone wants to influence their partner’s behavior or perceptions in some way. Manipulators use deceptive or abusive …


How to Get Better at Dating and Change Your Whole Life

People make fun of romance novels and “chick lit,” but love and romance are not frivolous. Spending your life with a partner is a true connection that most of us eventually want. Improving your dating life is a worthy goal because most of the skills that can help you with your love life have far-reaching …

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