
How to Make Modern Dating Work for Your Love Life – Happy Older Couple Eating

How to Make Modern Dating Work for Your Love Life

Dating and relationships in today’s age of so-called modern dating are anything but simple. Have you dated more than one man who can’t make a commitment? Has your heart been broken by any crash and burn relationships? Are you blaming your looks for the problem, like so many women do? Although it may be uncomfortable …

How to Have a Good Online Relationship

How to Have a Good Relationship – Your Way

Readers and patients often ask me how they can begin to expect respect in a relationship and finally have a relationship on their own terms – the Be Your Own Brand of Sexy way. We’ve talked before about why respect is essential in every relationship and how to know whether you’re asking too much from …

Are You Asking Too Much from Dating? How to Know

Are You Asking Too Much from Dating? How to Know

Am I asking too much from men? Are my standards too high? Am I single because my dating expectations are unrealistic? These are some of the most common questions I hear every day. Last week’s blog about how to get top treatment from men may have brought up these concerns for many of you as well. …

How Do You Get Top Treatment from Men?

How Do You Get Top Treatment from Men?

It’s unfortunate, but it’s true: many women today allow men to get away with almost whatever they want. In fact, many men have gotten so used to women chasing them that they see no point in putting in much effort during the dating process… after all, why should they? Think about it. Women call men …

Is a Better Love Life Worth a Challenge?

Is a Better Love Life Worth a Challenge?

“Yeah… but that’s easier said than done.” How many times have you heard someone say this, right before they give up on their goals? How often do you hear yourself saying something like this before you give up on your goals? Maybe it’s time to ask yourself whether your goal of having a better love …

How to Move Forward Now on Your Path to Love And Finding A True Love Partner

How to Move Forward Now on Your Path to Love

Do you feel stuck on the road to changing your love life for the better? Maybe you feel like you’re trapped in a labyrinth of love, where you wander round and round yet always meet dead ends. Or do you continuously find yourself in the same types of dating situations that don’t give you what …

How to Get Ready for Love and Empower Mature Women Dating

How to Get Ready for Love and Empower Women

Are you ready for love? If you met Mr. Right today, would you be able to attract him? Keep him? Or would you accept less than top treatment and ultimately sabotage your relationship? Many women have trouble saying “no” to men and standing up for themselves in general, which can often lead to men taking …

Change Your Luck in Love Now Online Women Dating

How to Change Your Luck in Love Now

Looking forward to the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day celebrations? Holidays that involve socializing are great opportunities to try out new luck in love life strategies and meet some new men. It can also be the perfect time to clear up any pestering thoughts you might have, like “How to change your luck Love?”. Do you …

Online Women Dating to Transform Your Love Life Now

How to Transform Your Love Life Now

Do you wish you love life was a little different? Maybe very different? You’re not alone. Many women have complaints about their love lives – that they don’t seem to meet any good men, that the men they do meet can’t commit or disappear into thin air, and lots of other common issues. Sometimes, difficulty …