
Mothers and Daughters: How to Give Love and Empowerment

Mothers and Daughters: How to Give Love and Empowerment

Gifts and togetherness are wonderful ways to celebrate Mother’s Day. When you consider a gift, maybe you think of flowers or perfume, but we can also give gifts of acceptance and respect. We can create a change in our culture that would make it easier for women to expect acceptance and respect rather than judgment …

Empower: Get What You Want From Men!

Empower: Get What You Want From Men!

The pressure to be sexy and sexual is sabotaging women’s confidence and our love lives. When you think you have to be the best sex object you can in order to get what you want, it’s like driving in a strange new city without your GPS—you’re probably going to get lost. The secret to getting …

Are You Gambling With Your Heart?

Are You Gambling With Your Heart?

Have you ever wondered whether a guy was into you? Did you later discover that you’d been gambling with your heart? Why is this pattern so familiar today? It’s not your fault. Our culture puts so much pressure on us to be sexy and sexual that many of us believe that’s the key to getting …

Mature Women Have Sexual Freedom?

Do You Really Have Sexual Freedom?

Are you truly free? With so many of us trying so hard to be sex objects, is that really sexual freedom? Maybe you’d like to believe that you’re free, but there are hidden forces at work that may be influencing you without your full knowledge.  Since we all want to be “normal,” in many situations …

How to Stop Letting Your Low Self-Esteem Ruin Your Life

How to Stop Letting Your Low Self-Esteem Ruin Your Life

Negative self-talk. People-pleasing. Having trouble making decisions in your own best interest for fear of judgment or losing someone’s approval. These all can be signs of low-esteem, and they could be keeping you from living the life you want and deserve. If this sounds familiar, it could be time to develop your self-confidence. For the …

How to Improve Your Life by Being Nicer to Yourself

How to Improve Your Life by Being Nicer to Yourself

“My thighs are too fat.” “My breasts are so weird…” “Ugh. My stomach sticks out too far.” Sound familiar? It’s hard not to get down on ourselves when it comes to appearance. We are constantly bombarded by airbrushed images of perfect-looking models and celebrities. And with those “perfected” images comes the subconscious decree: Look like …

“Should You Use the Three-Date Rule to Decide When to Have Sex?” is locked Should You Use the Three-Date Rule to Decide When to Have Sex?

3 Date Rule to Decide In Sex?

Charlotte York, the prim and traditional friend from the HBO show Sex and the City, popularized the concept of the “3 Date Rule.” The idea was that a lady “shouldn’t” have sex with a man until after their third date rule. But our cultural pressure to be sexual has changed this to “you must decide …