
3 Top Reasons Men Reject You and What You Can Do about Them

Most of us are familiar with the sinking feeling of getting rejected. It’s a feeling no one likes. Unfortunately, dating means that you will get rejected quite often. But, if you want to find the right person, then you need to understand that it does not usually happen the moment when you stick your toe …


How Hidden Power and Influence Can Help Us Understand the Gates Divorce

By now, you probably heard already that Bill Gates and his wife Melinda French Gates are getting divorced. Divorces can be incredibly painful even when both parties agree it’s the best solution. Having every gory detail plastered on every media outlet can make things even more difficult than they already are. Nobody really knows what …


It’s Not You! 5 Modern Dating Pitfalls That Make It Harder to Find Love

The great love stories we grew up listening to has made us romanticize toxic beliefs about dating and relationships. We end up believing that love is something that happens naturally, but the older we get, we realize that modern dating is not working for many of us. We often feel lost without a compass to …


5 Valuable Lessons You Can Learn from the Pain of Breakup or Divorce

No one gets married thinking that divorcing might be a serious possibility. But, when you look at the numbers, you realize that divorce is quite common in America. About 40-50% of couples are divorced. If you are one of them, then you may see your divorce as a failure. But, another perspective is to see …


What’s Blocking You from Finding True Love?

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves when it comes to dating, which can lead to negative thoughts. It’s not surprising that sometimes a simple, casual date feels more important than it needs to. Here’s the thing: a few bad dates don’t mean that you will end up alone. But, you do need to …


He Made a Huge Mistake. What Should I Do?

Your partner screwed up. He really blew it. You are fuming with anger and disappointment. Before you act, take a few seconds to think about your next steps carefully. We are fed this idea of a perfect man that always gets, always knows what to say, and never messes up. But real men, even the …


The Perfect Cure to a Struggling Love Life

The Best Solution to a Struggling Love Life I’ll be honest with you. There’s a lot that goes into building a happy love life, but making good decisions about what to do on your dating and relationship path is perhaps one of the most important skills you need. If you are here to learn more …


The Secret to Better Dating and Relationships: Being Your Best Self

Being your own Brand of Sexy is the term I use for being your best self in dating and relationships. What do I mean by that? It’s about being the real you, genuine, authentic. It’s all about listening to your intuition and accepting who you are. When you own yourself, you become self-assured. Our culture …


How to Tell If You Are Dating a Narcissist

Narcissists can be very enchanting individuals, so it’s not that difficult to fall for one and fall hard. They can be very charming and make it seem like they’re always ready to sweep you off your feet, which can all be quite flattering for a single woman looking for love. Unfortunately, many women find out …


Can You Really Love Someone Whose Politics You Hate?

If there is one thing we known for sure about the current state of affair is that our country is more divided than ever before. So, it may not be that unlikely that you love someone whose political beliefs and views you find disturbing. Unless you live somewhere where everyone thinks alike, you’ve had to …

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