
Can the #MeToo Movement make your dating life better?

Can the #MeToo Movement make your dating life better?

No matter what your politics are, the #MeToo movement is changing the world. It’s all over social media and the news. Powerful individuals and institutions are being outed for their disrespectful behavior towards women because of this movement that is taking the world by storm.   The #MeToo movement is changing the way women are treated in politics …

Can online dating with dignity improve your confidence?

Can dating with dignity improve your confidence?

Women often make the mistake of thinking that if they just improve their looks or their confidence, they’ll become successful with dating. Sometimes, they believe that those are the only criteria that matter when it comes to finding Mr. Right. Women who struggle with dating often believe all the hype around ‘they can’t love someone …

What two things do you need to find dating success?

What two things do you need to find dating success?

Knowing the results of recent scientific studies on dating and relationships can help you in your pursuit of love. Studies without science to back them up don’t inspire much confidence otherwise. And in a lot of cases, the biases of the people conducting unscientific research will taint the results. That makes it hard to believe …

You can Learn How to Enjoy Dating Practice

Yes! You can Learn How to Enjoy Dating Practice

Having the right mindset and positive attitude is one of the best ways to guarantee your success in any endeavor. But did you know that the right mindset can also help you navigate the dating jungle? It’s true. Learning to appreciate the benefits of dating practice can help you adjust your attitude and mindset about …

Good men left out there For An Online Dating Experience

Are there no good men left out there?

When you’re the one currently wading in through the morass known as modern dating, it’s incredibly tempting to complain and think that there aren’t any good men left out there. Sometimes though, it’s not the men’s fault. In fact, it’s probably hard for you to tell when your dating skills are the issue. Your skills …

Do You Really Have to Understand Men When Dating?

Do You Really Have to Understand Men When Dating?

Conventional wisdom, and the dating experts who embrace it think that women should try to understand men for dating success. Empathy is important for any relationship, dating notwithstanding, but what if ‘women always trying to understand men’ has its perils? We think it does, and we have an example to back it up. As a …

You Can Attract a Good Man, No Matter How You Look!

You Can Attract a Good Man, No Matter How You Look!

Our culture puts enormous pressure on women to look good. With Photoshop retouching our photos and plastic surgery altering our bodies, our every day beauty standards have become increasingly unrealistic and unattainable. And we feel it – we’ve all been immersed in this world for so long that it can seem impossible to separate ourselves …

What Do You Want? How to Reach Your Love Life Goals

What Do You Want? How to Reach Your Love Life Goals

Take a second and try to respond to this question as simply as possible: What are you working towards in your love life? For many of us, there is no simple answer. Not because the answer is really complicated, but because we haven’t taken the time before now to consider what our dating or relationship …

Woman excited about learning how to use online dating sites to better her love life.

The Top 3 Secrets to Successful Online Dating

In my series about online dating sites and their potential benefits so far, I have told you how important it is for your dating success to start getting some practice seeing men in addition to how you can get this dating practice right now. This week we’re going to take the discussion about online dating …