
How to Stop Attracting the Wrong Man Now in 5 Steps

Are all the good men taken? Where have they gone? Women feel that looking for a good guy who is seriously interested in them is like looking for a needle in a haystack. They have already tried online dating, blind dates, and more. The men they meet end up being narcissists and players, guys looking …


How to Cope when You’ve Been Cheated on

Infidelity in a close relationship can be devastating because it’s a betrayal. Your partner doesn’t make your feelings a priority. His secret behavior appears to be more important than you. Everything you thought about your love story seems to fall apart. Your feelings can be similar whether he cheated on you physically or if he …


How to Be More Attractive to Men when Dating – Instantly

Sometimes, when you meet a guy you really like, he doesn’t like you back. If you’ve been dating for a while, you know very well how difficult it is to find someone attractive you can picture yourself with long-term, so it’s that much more disappointing when the guy you like is not attracted to you. …


7 Things A Woman Should Never Ask a Man on A First Date

When you’re on a first date, you might be a little nervous. Will he like me? Does this have a future? Is he going to break my heart? It’s natural to be uncertain about where things stand. But there are some questions you should not ask when you first meet a man if you want …


End a Relationship before It Begins: The 7 Biggest Turn-Offs for Men

Could you be turning men off without realizing it? Although women and men are equal in many regards, we cannot ignore some of the things that set us apart. For example, the way we communicate. Just think about the way you behave around your girlfriends. You probably aren’t flirty and alluring around them since your …


Are You a High Maintenance Woman in Dating and Relationships? Do It the Right Way

Have you heard men talk about women as being high or low maintenance? A man might say you have high maintenance woman characteristics if you cause a lot of problems in your relationship or are very demanding. He might feel like you require a lot of his attention, money, or effort. Of course, some women …


New Year, New Love Life!

How’s your first month of the New Year going? If you have the New Year blues, you aren’t alone. The New Year is often a time of reflection, and when all the parties and festivities are over, it can be hard to take a closer look at your life. If things haven’t panned out the …


You Can Attract a Good Man, No Matter How You Look!

Our culture puts enormous pressure on women to look good. With Photoshop retouching our photos and plastic surgery altering our bodies, our every day beauty standards have become increasingly unrealistic and unattainable. And we feel it – we’ve all been immersed in this world for so long that it can seem impossible to separate ourselves …


5 Alarming Signs He’s Not Over His Ex

Nobody wants to be the rebound girlfriend of a man who still has feelings for his ex, especially if you want a healthy, committed relationship with staying power. Dating a man who is stuck in his past relationship is frustrating and painful. And, most probably, you won’t have the “happily ever after” ending you are …


Social Media Danger: How It Can Break Your New Relationship

It’s no surprise that introducing social media into your budding relationship has the potential to backfire. There are good reasons why women who want a serious relationship often don’t introduce their new man to their friends until they’re sure the relationship has some real possibility. And social media is a lot like bringing him into …

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