Category - Your Emotions


How to Change Your Outlook on Your Weight

How do you do it? – Keep up a positive attitude about your body with so much of the world telling you that you never look good enough? If you struggle, you are not alone. Although Becky would really like to be in a relationship, she isn’t meeting any men. She doesn’t want to date …


Dating? How to Read the Warning Signs

Make no mistake — dating today is like jumping into the deep end with eyes closed, hoping you will find your way to the surface despite not really knowing how to swim. With all the dating “rules” changing faster than anyone can keep track, understanding how to interpret certain dating behavior has become an art. …


Are You Gambling With Your Heart?

Have you ever wondered whether a guy was into you? Did you later discover that you’d been gambling with your heart? Why is this pattern so familiar today? It’s not your fault. Our culture puts so much pressure on us to be sexy and sexual that many of us believe that’s the key to getting …


3 Ways to Make Your Holidays Single-Friendly

When you’re single, it’s easy to feel like the winter holidays were meant for couples. All the family gatherings, cozy evenings, and +1 invites can make it seem as if everyone is sharing the joys of the season with that “someone special” except for you. But that doesn’t have to be the case. You can …


How To Jump-Start Your Unhappy Love Life: 5 Basic Steps

When you reflect on your love life from last year, how did it turn out?  A few bumps along the road to happiness? Or was it one riddled with potholes and breakdowns? If it was the latter, then perhaps this is the year when you try a new route. If decisions you’ve made in the …


Is Modern Dating Hurting Your Chance for Blissful Love?

We all know that the pressure on women today to be sexy and sexual causes many problems. Have you considered that it’s likely to be hurting your love life too? Here are some examples of what happens when women let our cultural pressures guide them: – Using the latest trendy dating app, Megan says she’s …


What Can Navy Seals Teach You about Your Strength and Success with Dating?

Countless tips and secrets can help you with dating. The trouble is, when dating gets too hard, most people might give up before they learn them. You may be in this situation too. After numerous failed dates, you may be ready to throw in the towel before you meet Mr. Right. Often, the most difficult …


Struggling to Find and Make a Perfect Relationship? 3 Science-Based Tips

Open any social media platform, and you’ll find a myriad of pictures and posts with people who seem to be in a perfect relationship. They are #relationshipgoals and everything you ever wanted from this type of connection. But, have you ever wondered how much of it is true? It’s easy to make our lives seem …


Dating a Man with Children? Here are the Top 5 Realities

Do you want to date a man with children? Numbers show that over 60% of men over the age of 15 and over 75% of men over 40 have kids, so you may find yourself asking this question at some point. Many men who have children love them and take their responsibilities very seriously. It …


7 Ways to Improve Your Mindset So You Can Attract the Right Man

What is the biggest factor that can attract or repel the right man? Is it your looks? Or maybe it’s your personality. The answer is – your mindset. I talked about the reasons why your mindset can help you attract the right man in a previous article. You can find it here if you want …

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